links to Amphibian Relazione tra Scientist e Amphibian Relation between Scientist and Amphibian links to Eukaryote Relazione tra Scientist e Eukaryote Relation between Scientist and Eukaryote 5.26 1.85 0.82 0.45 6.25 15.0 85.94 2.5 0.24 11.54 100.0 2.13 0.41 0.64 0.04 46.51 Relazione tra Scientist e Insect links to Insect Relation between Scientist and Insect links to World Heritage Site Relazione tra Scientist e World Heritage Site Relation between Scientist and World Heritage Site 12.5 links to Chemical Compound Relazione tra Scientist e Chemical Compound Relation between Scientist and Chemical Compound Relazione tra Scientist e Ethnic Group links to Ethnic Group Relation between Scientist and Ethnic Group 0.12 0.14 espèce species 7.82 4.57 0.08 Relazione tra Scientist e Magazine links to Magazine Relation between Scientist and Magazine 0.12 0.82 0.94 3.13 31.25 3.41 Relazione tra Scientist e River links to River Relation between Scientist and River A UNESCO World Heritage Site is a site (such as a forest, mountain, lake, desert, monument, building, complex, or city) that is on the list that is maintained by the international World Heritage Programme administered by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, composed of 21 state parties which are elected by their General Assembly for a four-year term. A World Heritage Site is a place of either cultural or physical significance. site du patrimoine mondial World Heritage Site 0.12 66.67 5.35 50.0 50.0 lac lake 0.1 0.28 93.62 5.03 50.0 5.96 Relazione tra Scientist e Park links to Park Relation between Scientist and Park 0.84 arachnid arachnides 0.21 Relation between Scientist and Person links to Person Relazione tra Scientist e Person 8.33 région administrative administrative region 0.12 100.0 2.46 fish poisson 9.3 0.08 100.0 0.23 Relazione tra Scientist e Green Alga links to Green Alga Relation between Scientist and Green Alga 22.42 33.33 0.23 0.12 23.26 0.33 42.78 4.21 2.94 1.27 4.26 links to Band Relation between Scientist and Band Relazione tra Scientist e Band links to Embryology Relation between Scientist and Embryology Relazione tra Scientist e Embryology 18.32 2.13 moss mousses 5.88 5.88 1.16 0.82 9.47 links to Historic Place Relazione tra Scientist e Historic Place Relation between Scientist and Historic Place 2.94 0.12 1.56 100.0 27.39 21.05 crustacean crustacés 3.7 2.7 0.08 Relation between Scientist and Sport links to Sport Relazione tra Scientist e Sport Relation between Scientist and Crustacean Relazione tra Scientist e Crustacean links to Crustacean 83.33 3.85 1.16 37.5 2.47 0.28 Relation between Scientist and Bird Relazione tra Scientist e Bird links to Bird 1.27 4.17 0.23 Relazione tra Scientist e Moss Relation between Scientist and Moss links to Moss 0.1 5.88 insecte insect 100.0 0.04 4.02 5.15 1.68 21.47 2.94 4.69 3.33 fungi fungus 0.04 eucaryote eukaryote 5.26 parc park brain cerveau 1.16 88.24 53.07 0.1 0.7 10.0 10.0 100.0 10.47 municipality municipalité 0.21 8.45 2.33 33.33 36.25 links to Arachnid Relation between Scientist and Arachnid Relazione tra Scientist e Arachnid 44.29 9.05 flowering plant angiospermes 0.12 100.0 0.12 0.11 5.08 44.19 0.41 links to Office Holder Relation between Scientist and Office Holder Relazione tra Scientist e Office Holder 53.22 11.76 100.0 0.83 0.21 Relation between Scientist and Plant Relazione tra Scientist e Plant links to Plant 100.0 4.21 Relazione tra Scientist e Company Relation between Scientist and Company links to Company 2.46 20.37 entreprise company 3.2 0.12 Relazione tra Scientist e Museum Relation between Scientist and Museum links to Museum 15.73 12.96 5.26 0.21 4.14 20.0 0.23 1.61 A sport is commonly defined as an organized, competitive, and skillful physical activity. sport sport 91.55 Relazione tra Scientist e Mammal links to Mammal Relation between Scientist and Mammal banda Musikgruppe groupe de musique Band 15.97 a settlement ranging from a few hundred to several thousand (occasionally hundreds of thousands). The precise meaning varies between countries and is not always a matter of legal definition. Usually, a town is thought of as larger than a village but smaller than a city, though there are exceptions to this rule. ville town university πανεπιστήμιο université 66.67 14.81 100.0 0.24 100.0 3.33 0.12 0.15 30.77 0.24 links to Mollusca Relazione tra Scientist e Mollusca Relation between Scientist and Mollusca titulaire Amtsinhaber office holder 25.93 2.88 0.12 0.1 4.02 0.14 links to Brain Relation between Scientist and Brain Relazione tra Scientist e Brain 37.5 15.91 60.0 63.69 Relazione tra Scientist e City Relation between Scientist and City links to City 54.05 3.85 0.12 0.94 scientist scientifique Wissenschaftler 5.88 11.76 0.12 0.04 2.13 3.85 0.79 1.61 3.85 66.67 11.63 66.67 94.12 25.1 νησί island île 53.23 3.7 0.83 4.85 conifer conifères Relazione tra Scientist e Country Relation between Scientist and Country links to Country 0.14 disease maladie Relation between Scientist and Mountain Range links to Mountain Range Relazione tra Scientist e Mountain Range 1.4 14.71 3.82 29.41 5.88 46.95 12.5 3.9 18.13 9.3 10.7 amphibian amphibien 3.39 0.71 A newspaper is a regularly scheduled publication containing news of current events, informative articles, diverse features and advertising. It usually is printed on relatively inexpensive, low-grade paper such as newsprint. Eine Zeitung ist ein Druckwerk von mäßigem Seitenumfang, das in kurzen periodischen Zeitspannen, mindestens einmal wöchentlich, öffentlich erscheint. Die Zeitung ist, anders als die Zeitschrift, ein der Aktualität verpflichtetes Presseorgan und gliedert sich meist in mehrere inhaltliche Rubriken wie Politik, Lokales, Wirtschaft, Sport, Feuilleton und Immobilien. journal newspaper aire protégée προστατευμένη περιοχή protected area 14.29 links to Administrative Region Relation between Scientist and Administrative Region Relazione tra Scientist e Administrative Region 5.88 28.57 langage language Relazione tra Scientist e Conifer links to Conifer Relation between Scientist and Conifer 2.5 22.52 work obra travail a large natural stream rivière river links to Town Relation between Scientist and Town Relazione tra Scientist e Town pays country Staat χώρα 40.0 museum musée 25.0 1.16 20.0 site historique historic place Relation between Scientist and Flowering Plant links to Flowering Plant Relazione tra Scientist e Flowering Plant 17.5 4.65 Relazione tra Scientist e Protected Area links to Protected Area Relation between Scientist and Protected Area continent ήπειρος continent 30.0 100.0 personne pessoa person Person 50.0 18.92 5.03 20.83 5.81 12.5 2.52 20.83 10.53 16.78 a relatively large and permanent settlement, particularly a large urban settlement city cité 1.67 Relation between Scientist and Fish links to Fish Relazione tra Scientist e Fish 50.0 Relation between Scientist and Lake Relazione tra Scientist e Lake links to Lake links to Settlement Relation between Scientist and Settlement Relazione tra Scientist e Settlement 3.86 3.04 links to Animal Relazione tra Scientist e Animal Relation between Scientist and Animal Relazione tra Scientist e University links to University Relation between Scientist and University 3.23 0.69 5.08 0.04 3.23 9.05 14.17 0.41 reptile reptile 100.0 14.29 7.22 Relazione tra Scientist e Drug links to Drug Relation between Scientist and Drug 42.86 activité Aktivität activity 7.56 11.11 24.32 Relazione tra Scientist e Protein links to Protein Relation between Scientist and Protein 0.23 0.21 links to Place Relation between Scientist and Place Relazione tra Scientist e Place 100.0 4.17 1.56 produit chimique chemical compound bird oiseau 38.46 2.91 67.02 33.33 0.08 16.67 6.45 44.54 5.56 3.85 25.58 Relation between Scientist and Scientist Relazione tra Scientist e Scientist links to Scientist Immobile things or locations. uma localização περιοχή lieu place lugar 0.08 links to Species Relazione tra Scientist e Species Relation between Scientist and Species 0.95 1.27 2.33 Relation between Scientist and Fungus Relazione tra Scientist e Fungus links to Fungus 1.24 1.23 5.26 algue verte green alga 1.29 0.23 0.1 Relazione tra Scientist e Island Relation between Scientist and Island links to Island 4.17 bactérie bacteria 16.6 4.29 mollusca mollusque drug médicament Relazione tra Scientist e Language links to Language Relation between Scientist and Language Magazines, periodicals, glossies or serials are publications, generally published on a regular schedule, containing a variety of articles. They are generally financed by advertising, by a purchase price, by pre-paid magazine subscriptions, or all three. Als Publikumszeitschrift (auch Magazin) bezeichnet man eine Gattung von Zeitschriften, die sich an eine sehr breite Zielgruppe wendet und keine fachlichen Prägungen oder andere spezifische Merkmale voraussetzt. Publikumszeitschriften dienen der Unterhaltung und Information, sie sollen unangestrengt gelesen werden können. magazine περιοδικό magazine 76.47 10.53 5.54 14.29 0.08 anatomical structure structure anatomique links to Disease Relazione tra Scientist e Disease Relation between Scientist and Disease 0.25 protéine protein An encyclopedic knowledge pattern (EKP) identifying the core knowledge that describes a Eukaryote Aldo Gangemi Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese To model the core knowledge needed to describe a Eukaryote Valentina Presutti groupe ethnique ethnic group embryologie embryology 0.97 30.65 0.64 0.41 2.89 Relation between Scientist and Anatomical Structure Relazione tra Scientist e Anatomical Structure links to Anatomical Structure 61.92 Relation between Scientist and Reptile links to Reptile Relazione tra Scientist e Reptile a chain of mountains bordered by highlands or separated from other mountains by passes or valleys. chaîne de montagne mountain range animal animal 17.65 11.76 0.12 5.88 47.37 links to Newspaper Relazione tra Scientist e Newspaper Relation between Scientist and Newspaper Relation between Scientist and Bacteria Relazione tra Scientist e Bacteria links to Bacteria 30.0 10.0 organisation Organisation organisation organização 100.0 25.0 plant plante 11.93 mammifère mammal 6.72 12.76 3.27 Relazione tra Scientist e Continent Relation between Scientist and Continent links to Continent 93.75 3.13 Relazione tra Scientist e Organisation links to Organisation Relation between Scientist and Organisation 0.71 2.48 0.12