@prefix amr: .
@prefix boxing: .
@prefix d0: .
@prefix dbpedia: .
@prefix dul: .
@prefix fred: .
@prefix fschema: .
@prefix impact: .
@prefix is: .
@prefix mor: .
@prefix ns1: .
@prefix ns2: .
@prefix ns3: .
@prefix ns4: .
@prefix ns5: .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix pblr: .
@prefix pbrs: .
@prefix pns1: .
@prefix pns2: .
@prefix quant: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix schema: .
@prefix va: .
@prefix vn.role: .
@prefix wd: .
@prefix wn30: .
@prefix wn30schema: .
@prefix xsd: .
ns1:causesDestruction a owl:DatatypeProperty .
ns1:existedBefore a owl:DatatypeProperty .
ns1:hasState a owl:ObjectProperty .
ns1:hasVisibility a owl:ObjectProperty .
ns1:isIntendedAction a owl:ObjectProperty .
ns1:precedes a owl:ObjectProperty .
ns1:producesSmoke a owl:ObjectProperty .
ns1:rescue_1 a pbrs:rescue-01 ;
ns1:isIntendedAction true ;
pblr:rescue-01.beneficiary fred:person_1 ;
pblr:rescue-01.rescuer fred:person_2 .
ns5:triggeringCauseFor a owl:ObjectProperty .
ns5:truthDependingOn a owl:ObjectProperty .
ns3:coercedType a owl:ObjectProperty .
dul:isPartOf a owl:ObjectProperty .
dul:isSettingFor a owl:ObjectProperty .
dul:precedes a owl:ObjectProperty .
fred:Rescue owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-rescue-noun-1 .
fred:contain_1 a
pbrs:contain-01 ;
pblr:contain-01.container fred:gun_1 ;
pblr:contain-01.contents fred:flare_1 .
fred:ground_1 a fred:Ground ;
pns1:evokes is:Surface .
fred:gun_ownership_1 a fred:GunOwnership ;
ns1:precedes fred:have_1 ;
dul:isSettingFor fred:gun_1 .
fred:have-degree_1 a pbrs:have-degree-91 ;
pblr:have-degree-91.attribute fred:good_1 ;
pblr:have-degree-91.degree-itself fred:most_1 ;
pblr:have-degree-91.domain fred:place_1 .
fred:have-rel-role_1 a pbrs:have-rel-role-91 ;
pblr:have-rel-role-91.entity-a fred:person_2 ;
pblr:have-rel-role-91.role-of-entity-a fred:mother_1 .
fred:launch_1 a
pbrs:launch-01 ;
vn.role:Location fred:sky_1 ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-launch-verb-2 ;
pblr:launch-01.launcher fred:stupid_1 ;
pblr:launch-01.projectile fred:flare_1 .
fred:precedes a owl:ObjectProperty .
fred:rescue_1 a
pbrs:rescue-01 ;
boxing:hasTruthValue false,
true ;
ns5:truthDependingOn fred:burn_1 ;
pns2:truthDependingOn fred:burn_1 ;
vn.role:Time fred:future_1 ;
pblr:rescue-01.beneficiary fred:person_1 ;
pblr:rescue-01.rescuer fred:person_2 .
fred:signal_1 a
pbrs:signal-01 ;
vn.role:Instrument fred:flare_1 ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-signal-verb-1 ;
pblr:signal-01.agent fred:stupid_1 ;
pblr:signal-01.topic fred:fire_1 .
fred:use_1 a pbrs:use-01 ;
boxing:hasTruthValue false ;
ns5:truthDependingOn fred:burn_1 ;
pblr:use-01.arg0 fred:person_2 ;
pblr:use-01.arg1 fred:gun_1 .
impact:hasExpectedEmotion a owl:ObjectProperty .
ns2:hasExpectedMentalState a owl:ObjectProperty .
ns2:hasExpectedPhysicalState a owl:ObjectProperty .
pns1:evokes a owl:ObjectProperty .
ns4:commitment a owl:ObjectProperty .
ns1:Good rdfs:subClassOf wn30:synset-good-adjective-1 .
ns1:Loaded rdfs:subClassOf wn30:synset-loaded-adjective-1 .
fred:Around rdfs:subClassOf dul:Quality,
wn30:supersense-adv_all ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-about-adverb-3 .
fred:Fire rdfs:subClassOf d0:Event,
wn30:supersense-noun_event ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-fire-noun-1 .
fred:FlareGun dul:associatedWith fred:Flare ;
rdfs:subClassOf fred:Gun .
fred:Future rdfs:subClassOf dul:TimeInterval .
fred:Gun rdfs:subClassOf dul:PhysicalObject,
wn30:supersense-noun_artifact ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-gun-noun-1 .
fred:GunOwnership rdfs:subClassOf dul:Event,
pbrs:have-03 .
fred:Mother rdfs:subClassOf wn30:synset-mother-noun-1 .
fred:Sky rdfs:subClassOf dul:PhysicalObject,
wn30:supersense-noun_object ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-sky-noun-1 .
fred:Smoke rdfs:subClassOf d0:Event,
wn30:supersense-noun_phenomenon ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-smoke-noun-1 .
fred:Stupid rdfs:subClassOf dul:Quality,
wn30:supersense-adj_all ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-stupid-adjective-1 .
fred:Water rdfs:subClassOf d0:Location,
wn30:supersense-noun_object ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-body_of_water-noun-1 .
fred:around_1 a fred:Around ;
pns1:evokes is:Periphery .
fred:conjunct_2 a boxing:Conjunct ;
dul:hasMember fred:fire_1,
fred:smoke_1 .
fred:contrast_1 a pbrs:contrast-01 ;
ns3:coercedType fred:criticize_1 ;
pns1:evokes pns1:Balance ;
pblr:contrast-01.first-item-in-comparison fred:be-located-at_1 ;
pblr:contrast-01.second-item-in-comparison fred:burn_1 .
fred:criticize_1 a pbrs:criticize-01 ;
ns4:commitment mor:SocialResponsibility ;
rdfs:subClassOf dul:Event ;
pblr:criticize-01.critic fred:person_1 ;
pblr:criticize-01.thing-criticized fred:burn_1 .
fred:danger_1 a dul:Situation .
fred:good_1 a pbrs:good-02 ;
pblr:good-02.generally-positive-entity fred:place_1 .
fred:irresponsible_1 a pbrs:irresponsible-02 ;
ns4:commitment mor:WeaponResponsibility ;
rdfs:subClassOf dul:Quality ;
pblr:irresponsible-02.behavior fred:have_1 ;
pblr:irresponsible-02.entity fred:stupid_1 .
fred:mean_1 a pbrs:mean-01 ;
dul:precedes fred:contrast_1 ;
pns1:evokes is:Link ;
pblr:mean-01.element-containing-meaning fred:burn_1 ;
pblr:mean-01.meaning fred:conjunct_2 .
fred:most_1 a fred:Most .
fred:mother_1 a fred:Mother .
fred:some_1 a fred:Some .
fred:warn_1 a pbrs:warn-01 ;
ns4:commitment mor:PublicSafety ;
rdfs:subClassOf dul:Event ;
pblr:warn-01.warned fred:conjunct_1 ;
pblr:warn-01.warner fred:stupid_1 ;
pblr:warn-01.warning fred:danger_1 .
fred:water_1 a fred:Water ;
pns1:evokes pns1:Container .
impact:Danger rdfs:subClassOf dul:Situation ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-danger-noun-1 .
impact:Destruction rdfs:subClassOf dul:Event ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-destruction-noun-1 .
impact:Excitement rdfs:subClassOf dul:Situation ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-excitement-noun-1 .
impact:Fear rdfs:subClassOf dul:Situation ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-fear-noun-1 .
impact:Recklessness rdfs:subClassOf dul:Situation ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-recklessness-noun-1 .
pns1:Balance a pns1:ImageSchema .
is:Force a pns1:ImageSchema .
is:Link a pns1:ImageSchema .
is:Location a is:SpatialPrimitive .
is:Path a is:SpatialPrimitive .
is:Periphery a is:SpatialPrimitive .
is:Possession a pns1:ImageSchema .
is:Source a is:SpatialPrimitive .
is:Surface a is:SpatialPrimitive .
mor:Danger owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-danger-noun-1 ;
owl:sameAs wd:Q213004 .
mor:Destruction owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-destruction-noun-1 ;
owl:sameAs wd:Q309612 .
mor:PublicSafety a ns4:MoralDue .
mor:SocialResponsibility a ns4:PositiveMoralValueGain .
mor:Warning owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-warning-noun-1 ;
owl:sameAs wd:Q1057951 .
mor:WeaponResponsibility a ns4:MoralDue .
pbrs:be-located-at-91 rdfs:subClassOf dul:Event .
pbrs:burn-01 rdfs:label "(cause to) be on fire" ;
rdfs:subClassOf dul:Event ;
fschema:subsumedUnder va:0441f .
pbrs:contrast-01 rdfs:label "point out differences, measure of difference" ;
rdfs:subClassOf dul:Event ;
fschema:subsumedUnder va:0627f .
pbrs:good-02 rdfs:label "generally positive: morally good, pleasing; uses that mean 'well' go into a different roleset." ;
rdfs:subClassOf dul:Event .
pbrs:have-degree-91 rdfs:subClassOf dul:Event .
pbrs:have-rel-role-91 rdfs:subClassOf dul:Event .
pbrs:mean-01 rdfs:label "signal, convey" ;
rdfs:subClassOf dul:Event ;
fschema:subsumedUnder va:0080f .
wn30:synset-about-adverb-3 wn30schema:gloss "in the area or vicinity; \"a few spectators standing about\"; \"hanging around\"; \"waited around for the next flight\""@en-us .
wn30:synset-body_of_water-noun-1 wn30schema:gloss "the part of the earth's surface covered with water (such as a river or lake or ocean); \"they invaded our territorial waters\"; \"they were sitting by the water's edge\""@en-us .
wn30:synset-fire-noun-1 wn30schema:gloss "the event of something burning (often destructive); \"they lost everything in the fire\""@en-us .
wn30:synset-good-adjective-1 wn30schema:gloss "having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified" .
wn30:synset-gun-noun-1 wn30schema:gloss "a weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel)"@en-us .
wn30:synset-land-noun-4 wn30schema:gloss "the solid part of the earth's surface; \"the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land\"; \"the earth shook for several minutes\"; \"he dropped the logs on the ground\""@en-us .
wn30:synset-launch-verb-2 wn30schema:gloss "propel with force" .
wn30:synset-loaded-adjective-1 wn30schema:gloss "filled with a great quantity" .
wn30:synset-mother-noun-1 wn30schema:gloss "a woman who has given birth to a child (also used as a term of address to your mother); \"the mother of three children\""@en-us .
wn30:synset-signal-verb-1 wn30schema:gloss "communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs" .
wn30:synset-sky-noun-1 wn30schema:gloss "the atmosphere and outer space as viewed from the earth"@en-us .
wn30:synset-smoke-noun-1 wn30schema:gloss "a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas"@en-us .
wn30:synset-stupid-adjective-1 wn30schema:gloss "lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity"@en-us .
fred:Flare rdfs:subClassOf dul:InformationEntity,
wn30:synset-flare-noun-3 ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-flare-noun-3 .
fred:Ground rdfs:subClassOf d0:Location,
wn30:supersense-noun_object ;
owl:equivalentClass wn30:synset-land-noun-4 .
fred:be-located-at_1 a pbrs:be-located-at-91 ;
pblr:be-located-at-91.entity fred:conjunct_1 ;
pblr:be-located-at-91.location fred:place_1 .
fred:conjunct_1 a boxing:Conjunct ;
dul:hasMember fred:person_1,
fred:person_2 ;
impact:hasExpectedEmotion impact:Fear ;
ns2:hasExpectedPhysicalState impact:Danger .
fred:future_1 a fred:Future ;
owl:sameAs wn30:synset-future-noun-1 .
fred:have_1 a pbrs:have-03 ;
ns5:triggeringCauseFor fred:burn_1 ;
ns3:coercedType fred:irresponsible_1 ;
dul:precedes fred:burn_1 ;
pns1:evokes is:Possession ;
pblr:have-03.owner fred:stupid_1 ;
pblr:have-03.possession fred:gun_1 .
fred:sky_1 a fred:Sky ;
pns1:evokes pns1:Container .
pns1:Container a pns1:ImageSchema .
is:VerticalMovement a pns1:ImageSchema .
pbrs:have-03 rdfs:label "own, possess" ;
rdfs:subClassOf dul:Event ;
fschema:subsumedUnder va:0104f .
wn30:synset-flare-noun-3 wn30schema:gloss "a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate"@en-us .
fred:fire_1 a fred:Fire ;
ns1:producesSmoke fred:smoke_1 ;
ns5:triggeringCauseFor fred:smoke_1 ;
ns3:coercedType mor:Danger ;
pns1:evokes is:VerticalMovement ;
vn.role:Location fred:sky_1 .
fred:flare_1 a fred:Flare ;
dul:isPartOf fred:gun_1 ;
pns1:evokes is:Path .
fred:place_1 a fred:Place ;
ns1:existedBefore true ;
ns1:hasVisibility ns1:Good ;
ns2:hasExpectedPhysicalState impact:Destruction ;
pns1:evokes is:Location ;
vn.role:Location fred:around_1 .
fred:person_1 a amr:Person ;
owl:sameAs dbpedia:Frank_Zappa,
wd:Q127330 ;
schema:name "Frank_Zappa" .
fred:smoke_1 a fred:Smoke ;
ns3:coercedType mor:Warning ;
pns1:evokes is:VerticalMovement ;
vn.role:Location fred:water_1 .
fred:gun_1 a fred:FlareGun ;
ns1:hasState ns1:Loaded ;
pns1:evokes is:Source .
fred:person_2 a fred:Person .
fred:stupid_1 a fred:Stupid ;
quant:hasQuantifier fred:some_1 ;
impact:hasExpectedEmotion impact:Excitement ;
ns2:hasExpectedMentalState impact:Recklessness .
fred:burn_1 a pbrs:burn-01 ;
ns1:causesDestruction true ;
ns5:triggeringCauseFor fred:fire_1,
fred:smoke_1 ;
ns3:coercedType fred:warn_1,
mor:Destruction ;
dul:hasQuality fred:Ground ;
dul:precedes fred:future_1,
fred:mean_1 ;
pns1:evokes is:Force ;
pblr:burn-01.pyromaniac fred:stupid_1 ;
pblr:burn-01.thing-burning fred:be-located-at_1 .