Community:FSDAS Scenario
From Odp
FSDAS Scenario
Title: FSDAS Scenarios
Description: FSDAS simple scenarios for extracting competency questions to be used in the design of the FSDAS application ontology network. Formulated by Yves Jaques (UN-FAO).
Diagram (this article has no graphical representation)
Users | AldoGangemi |
Domains | Fishery |
Competency Questions | |
Scenarios | |
Proposed Solutions (OWL files) | |
Related patterns |
Additional information
- Species
- hasHabitat:str
- give me the species having a "demersal" habitat in water area "24" (see hasHabitat)
- hasSynonyms:str
- give me the synonyms and localnames for species "Ostrica gigas"
- canBeConfusedWith:species
- give me the species with which species "Ostrica gigas" can be confused.
- bathymetry:range
- give me the species found below 200 metres for water area 24
- feedsUpon:Species
- give me the species that eat "shrimp"
- preyedUponBy:Species**
- give me the species eaten by "seals".
- caughtByGear:Geartype
- give me the species caught using "bottom gillnets"
- in which water areas are "bottom gillnets" used?
- caughtByVessel:Vesseltype
- give me the species caught using "gillneters"
- in which water areas are "gillneters" used?
- localNames:str
- give me the species containing local name "oyster"
- conservationStatus:str
- give me the species for which conservation status contains "Vulnerable"
- hasHabitat:str
- Aquatic Resource
- resourceRTMS:int
- hasSpecies:Species
- Give me the Species for water area 24.
- hasWaterArea:WaterArea
- Give me the Water areas for species "Gadus morhua"
- Aquatic Resource Observation
- hasResource:resource
- referenceYear:date
- Give me the resource observations for the year 2004.
- exploitationRate:enum
- Give me the resource observations where the exploitation rate is "Moderate fishing mortality"
- exploitationState:enum
- Give me the resource observations where the state is "fully exploited"
- abundanceLevel:enum
- Give me the resource observations where the abundance level is "Low abundance"
- jurisdictionalDistribution:enum
- Give me the resource observations where the jurisdictional distribution is "Highly migratory"
- climaticZone:enum
- Give me the resource observations where the zone is "Tropical"
- verticalDist:enum
- Give me the resource observations where the vertical distance (vdist) is "Pelagic"
- Geartype
- targetSpecies:Species
- Give me the gears targeting species "tuna"
- incidentalSpecies:Species
- Give me the gears which incidentally catch species "dolphins"
- targetSpecies:Species
- Vesseltype
- usesGeartype:Geartype
- Give me the vesseltypes that use "trawls"
- usesGeartype:Geartype