From Odp
Property list
- AlignmentODPAlsoKnownAs
- AlignmentODPAuthor
- AlignmentODPComponent
- AlignmentODPConsequences
- AlignmentODPDomain
- AlignmentODPExample
- AlignmentODPIllustration
- AlignmentODPKnownUse
- AlignmentODPName
- AlignmentODPOrigin
- AlignmentODPProblem
- AlignmentODPReference
- AlignmentODPRelated
- AlignmentODPScenario
- AlignmentODPSolution
- AlignmentODPTest
- AlignmentODPWorkflow
- Allows value
- Allows value
- AlsoKnownAs
- Answer
- ArchitecturalODPAlsoKnownAs
- ArchitecturalODPAuthor
- ArchitecturalODPComponent
- ArchitecturalODPConsequence
- ArchitecturalODPDomain
- ArchitecturalODPExample
- ArchitecturalODPKnownUse
- ArchitecturalODPName
- ArchitecturalODPOrigin
- ArchitecturalODPProblem
- ArchitecturalODPReference
- ArchitecturalODPRelated
- ArchitecturalODPScenario
- ArchitecturalODPSolution
- ArchitecturalODPWorkflow
- Author
- CPInstantiationExample
- CPinstantiationExample
- Carleton University
- Category
- CompetencyQuestion
- ContentODPAlsoKnownAs
- ContentODPAuthor
- ContentODPDescription
- ContentODPDomain
- ContentODPIllustration
- ContentODPName
- Corresponds to
- CoversRequirement
- CreationDate
- Description
- DevelopmentTaskType
- Display units
- Domain
- DomainOfInterest
- DomainOfInterestOther
- ElementOf
- ElementType
- EmailAddress
- Equivalent URI
- EventSubmissionStatus
- ExerciseOf
- ExternalResource
- ExtractedFrom
- FirstName
- Form for review
- Form for reviews
- Form for reviews
- Gender
- GeneralDescription
- Genre
- Goal
- GraphicallyRepresentedBy
- Has alternate form
- Has default form
- Has type
- HasAuthor
- HasClearFigures
- HasClearProblemDescription
- HasClearRelevanceDescription
- HasComponent
- HasConsequence
- HasDate
- HasDecision
- HasDownloadNumber
- HasElement
- HasEndDate
- HasIntent
- HasMissingInformation
- HasName
- HasProblems
- HasRelations
- HasRelevance
- HasReusability
- HasReviewScore
- HasReviewSummary
- HasReviewerConfidence
- HasShortText
- HasStartDate
- HasSubmissionDeadline
- HasUnderstandability
- Has alternate form
- Has default form
- Has type
- HomePage
- HowDidYouKnowAbout
- Imported from
- Intent
- InternalResource
- IsBestPractice
- IsDomainE-pertOf
- IsDomainENApertOf
- IsDomainEstubpertOf
- IsDomainExpertOf
- IsSpecializationOf
- Justification
- KnownIssues
- KnownUse
- LastModifiedDate
- LastName
- Lexico-SyntacticODPAlsoKnownAs
- Lexico-SyntacticODPAuthor
- Lexico-SyntacticODPCaseFormalization
- Lexico-SyntacticODPCaseJAPECode
- Lexico-SyntacticODPCaseLegend
- Lexico-SyntacticODPCaseNLFormulation
- Lexico-SyntacticODPCaseOf
- Lexico-SyntacticODPCorrespondance
- Lexico-SyntacticODPHasCase
- Lexico-SyntacticODPHasCase:
- Lexico-SyntacticODPIntent
- Lexico-SyntacticODPLanguage
- Lexico-SyntacticODPName
- Lexico-SyntacticODPRelatedTo
- Lexico-SyntacticODPSolutionDescription
- Lexico-SyntacticODPSubmittedBy
- Lexico-SyntacticODPWebReference
- LivesIn
- LogicalODPAim
- LogicalODPAlsoKnownAs
- LogicalODPAuthor
- LogicalODPCombination
- LogicalODPComponent
- LogicalODPComponentDescription
- LogicalODPConsequence
- LogicalODPDescription
- LogicalODPElements
- LogicalODPIllustration
- LogicalODPKnownUse
- LogicalODPMotivation
- LogicalODPName
- LogicalODPOrigin
- LogicalODPReference
- LogicalODPRelated
- LogicalODPSample
- LogicalODPScenario
- LogicalODPTest
- LogicalODPWorkflow
- LongDescription
- MainMotivationForJoiningOdp
- Modification date
- Name
- OWLBuildingBlock
- OWLImplementation
- OntologyAuthor
- OntologyDomain
- OntologyLicensing
- OntologyOrganization
- OntologyPurpose
- OntologyURI
- ParentTask
- PatternAlsoKnownAs
- PatternAuthor
- PatternConsequences
- PatternContentODPAlsoKnownAs
- PatternDomain
- PatternIllustration
- PatternName
- PatternOrigin
- PatternPatternAlsoKnownAs
- PatternProblem
- PatternProblemExample
- PatternReference
- PatternRelated
- PatternReusabeComponent
- PatternReusableComponent
- PatternSolution
- PatternSolutionEample
- PatternSolutionExample
- PatternSubmittedBy
- PatternURI
- PatternUsage
- PatternWorkFlow
- PatternWorkflow
- PertinentFeedback
- Picture
- PossibleMainContributionToOdp
- Priority
- ProblemDescription
- Property
- ProposedOWLSolution
- Provides service
- Purpose
- RecommendedBy
- ReengineeredFrom
- Reference
- ReferenceDescription
- ReferenceLabel
- ReferenceSubject
- ReferenceType
- ReferenceURL
- RelatedCP
- RelatedPattern
- RelatedTo
- ReusableComponent
- Review about
- ReviewAboutSubmission
- ReviewAboutSubmission
- ReviewAboutVersion
- ReviewProblems
- Role
- Scenario
- Scenario:
- ScenarioOf
- SolutionDescription
- Status
- SubmissionDate
- SubmissionDeadline
- SubmissionToEvent
- SubmittedBy
- SubmittedToEvent
- Subproperty of
- Subproperty of
- Suproperty of
- TakesInAccountReview
- TeAn almost equivalent set of competency questions can be answered by means of the design patterns collected in ontologydesignpatterns.orgtReference
- TedummyRef1tReference
- TedummyRef2tReference
- TedumyRef2tReference
- TedymmyRef1tReference
- Te L2.owltReference
- Teref-alphatReference
- Teref-betatReference
- Teref-gammatReference
- TestMultipleValuesProperty
- TestProperty
- Tewhich have been extracted from DOLCE+DnS UltralitetReference
- TextReference
- Title
- WebReference
- WorksInOrganization
- WorksInOrganizationDescribedBy
- WorksInOrganizationType