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Welcome to the 1st Workshop on Knowledge Injection into and Extraction from Linked Data
The first Workshop on Knowledge Injection into and Extraction from Linked Data is a co-located event with EKAW 2010, held in Lisbon (Portugal). It will be held on 15th October 2010.
News: Workshop program is available.
News: CEUR proceedings is available.
Contents |
Motivation and objectives
The first workshop on Knowledge Injection to and Extraction from Linked Data (KIELD2010 at EKAW 2010) will gather three prominent sub-communities of Knowledge Engineering and Management: Knowledge Modelling, Knowledge Discovery and Linked Data. The rapid growth of the Linked Data cloud, in parallel with on-the-fly design of relevant vocabularies, presents new opportunities for traditional research disciplines.
Most notably:
- Although the popular vocabularies reflect today needs, they sometimes lack deeper ontological reflections. State-of-the-art knowledge modelling, especially the pattern-based ontology design principles, could help connect Linked Data vocabularies to more sophisticated models, while keeping themselves simple. Furthermore, collaborative ontology design methodologies could find their way to the process of vocabulary design, currently undertaken by VoCamp communities and stand-alone groups.
- The linked data themselves represent a large and growing resource woven from numerous components. Empirical knowledge discovery in linked data, carried out by machine learning and data mining algorithms, could reveal interesting patterns on frequently used structures, which could then be fuelled back to the vocabulary design. Existing techniques for mining network-structured data, such as graph databases or web links, are likely to require adaptation so as to take account of links that are typed according to semantically rich and heterogeneous schemata.
Aside the EKAW 2010 conference itself, the workshop is informally associated with the series of WOP workshops - Workshops on Ontology Patterns. Participants of the previous successful WOP (1st edition at ISWC2009) are encouraged to submit to KIELD 2010.
By this interdisciplinary nature KIELD2010 aims at being of high interest for both researchers and practitioners of all three areas mentioned above. Furthermore, it will give space to ongoing and pioneering research activities, which would still be too preliminary as conference publications, although extremely hot as topics in the semantic technology field.
Key topics
The workshop welcomes research, application, and position papers on the following topics (non-exclusive):
Ontology engineering for Linked Data
- Methodologies
- Ontology patterns extraction
- Ontology patterns identification and discovery
- Pattern-based triplification
- Anti-patterns or worst practices
Data mining from Linked Data
- Entity recognition
- Link prediction
- Pattern mining
- Sequential patterns
- Rule mining
Linked Data in use
- Domain applications based-on linked data
- Linked data exploitation
- Interaction with linked data
13.00-13.10 Welcome by Organizers
13.10-14.10 Invited talk (chair: Vojtech Svatek)
- Martin Hepp: Ontology Engineering for Linked Data: What Makes For A Good Ontology?
14.10-15.20 Session 1 (chair: Aldo Gangemi)
- Benjamin Adrian: Potentials of enriching the Web of Documents with Linked Data by generating RDFa markup (late breaking news)
- Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese, Aldo Gangemi, Paolo Ciancarini and Valentina Presutti: Semion: a smart triplification tool (research paper)
- Miroslav Vacura and Vojtech Svatek: Ontological Analysis of Human Relations for Semantically Consistent Transformations of FOAF Data (research paper)
15.20-15.50 Coffee break
15.50-16.30 Session 2 (chair: Vojtech Svatek)
- Andrea Nuzzolese, Alessandro Adamou: Construction of virtual communities by pattern-based WikiNews refactoring. (late breaking news)
- Thomas Markotschi and Johanna Voelker: GuessWhat?! (research paper)
16:30-17.40 Session 3 (chair: Valentina Presutti)
- Miroslav Vacura, Vojtech Svatek: Ontology of Ontology Patterns as Linked Data Integration Tool (late breaking news)
- Laura Dragan, Alexandre Passant, Tudor Groza and Siegfried Handschuh: Linking Personal Semantic Notes (research paper)
- Francesco Valle, Mathieu d'Aquin, Tommaso Di Noia and Enrico Motta: LOTED: Exploiting Linked Data in Analyzing European Procurement Notices (research paper)
17:40 - 18:00 Wrap-up
Keynote Talk
- Martin Hepp: Ontology Engineering for Linked Data: What Makes For A Good Ontology?
The talk will discuss the impact of ontology design choices and ontology quality criteria on the overall impact of the linked data initiatives. In particular, it will analyze whether there are good and bad ontologies from a practical standpoint, what quality criteria will matter the most, and how this relates to the "raw data now" movement in the community.
Paper Submission
Two types of submissions will be accepted: full papers presenting recent research results, and position papers presenting either research in progress or key issues in the scientific discussion.
All submissions have to be formatted according to the Springer LNCS format, in PDF. Full papers are limited to 12 pages and position papers to 6 pages.
Accepted Papers
- Laura Dragan, Alexandre Passant, Tudor Groza and Siegfried Handschuh: Linking Personal Semantic Notes
- Francesco Valle, Mathieu d'Aquin, Tommaso Di Noia and Enrico Motta: LOTED: Exploiting Linked Data in Analyzing European Procurement Notices
- Thomas Markotschi and Johanna Voelker: GuessWhat?!
- Miroslav Vacura and Vojtech Svatek: Ontological Analysis of Human Relations for Semantically Consistent Transformations of FOAF Data
- Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese, Aldo Gangemi, Paolo Ciancarini and Valentina Presutti: Semion: a smart triplification tool
- Claudio Baldassarre: Semantic Skin: from flat textual content to interconnected repositories of semantic data (Demo paper) Withdrawn
The accepted papers will be published in workshop notes, under CEUR.
Late breaking news
We invite submissions in the form of 2-pages extended abstracts in LNCS style presenting work relevant to the workshop topics. Interesting results to be submitted could be either non-mature promising recent work, or already published results e.g. accepted to another venue (journal or conference). The goal of the session is to gather the community interested in the KIELD themes, stimulate discussions, and favor exchange of ideas. Instead of regular review process, these submissions will just undergo a relevance check. The abstracts will be part of the electronic workshop proceedings (CEUR) as a special section. A short oral presentation from by the authors will be scheduled during the workshop day.
Late breaking news Submission
Submissions must be sent to KIELD chairs by August 27th (midnight CET).
Program Committee
- Eva Blomqvist, STLab ISTC-CNR, Italy
- Ciro Cattuto, ISI Foundation, Italy
- Claudia d'Amato, University of Bari, Italy
- Mathieu d'Aquin, KMI Open University, UK
- Nicola Fanizzi, University of Bari, Italy
- Aldo Gangemi, STLab ISTC-CNR, Italy
- Alfio Gliozzo, STLab ISTC-CNR, Italy
- Marko Grobelnik, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
- Tom Heath, Talis, UK
- Luigi Iannone, Manchester University, UK
- David Jensen, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
- Agnieszka Lawrynowicz, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
- Pascal Poncelet, LIRMM, Université Montpellier 2, France
- Marko Rodriguez, AT&T, and Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium
- Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
- Valentina Presutti, ISTC-CNR Rome, Italy
- E-mail: valentina.presutti_at_cnr.it
- Francois Scharffe, INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes, France
- E-mail: francois.scharffe_at_inria.fr
- Vojtech Svatek, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
- E-mail: svatek_at_vse.cz
Important dates
July 20th: Paper submission deadline (deadline extended)August 14, 2010: Paper acceptance notification- August 27, 2010 (midnight CET): Camera-ready versions of papers
- August 27, 2010 (midnight CET): Late breaking results deadline
- October 15th: Workshop day
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The submission deadline has expired! |