Odp:Tasks/Linking scenarios in the proposal's page

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Tasks/Linking scenarios in the proposal's page

Title: Linking scenarios in the proposal's page

Description: Adding a link for adding scenarios, and including the list of the related scenarios in the proposl's page (with page-inclusion, same as elements)

  • Priority: High

Sub-tasks: This task has no sub-tasks

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17-06-2008 EnricoDaga says:


use (with page-inclusion, same as elements).

Are we sure?: I like the current solution, does not make the page too big (and difficult to read...) enrico

24-06-2008 Admin says:

We need a link to related scenarios, otherwise it does not make to have them. We do not need page inclusion.

9-07-2008 EnricoDaga says:

To see the changes in the pattern's page is necesary to edit & save the proposal's pattern article.

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