Odp:Tasks/Overloaded property: RelatedCP
From Odp
Tasks/Overloaded property: RelatedCP
Title: RelatedCP property overloaded
Description: The description for the proprety RelatedCP was written when it was only used to relate patterns to patterns. It is also being used to relate Modeling Issues to Patterns. There needs to be a new property called something like: IssueRelatedCP, or the description (used as help text in information typs) for RelatedCP needs to be more general to include both cases.
This is similar to the task: Change modeling issues domain property
- Type: Bugfix
- Posted by: MichaelUschold
- Status: fixed
- Priority: Medium
Sub-tasks: This task has no sub-tasks
1-03-2010 EnricoDaga says:
Modeling issues can be related not only to Content ODPs but to any kind of Ontology Pattern.
Chanegs have been done to make a modeling issue use the Property:RelatedPattern porperty instead of Property:RelatedCP.