Odp:Tasks/Refactor references
From Odp
Tasks/Refactor references
Title: Refactor references
Description: Task Tasks/References for Exemplary Tasks has been completed. References can now be added as n-ary relations (more at this page).
The actual content of
- Patterns,
- Exemplary ontologies,
- Modeling issues,
- Domains
sometimes contains references as single property values.
Some of this references should be refactored. This must be done manually.
The following actions are required:
- Define which properties should be refactored
- Create a reference for each value (existent examples are at this page)
- Remove the old properties from forms and templates
This task is considered a bugfix (legacy structure/data still remains after a techincal improvement)
- Type: Bugfix
- Posted by: EnricoDaga
- Status: dealing with
- Priority: High