Ontology:ATC Ontology

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Ontology Overview

Name: ATC Ontology
Description: The ontology is a representation of the ATC classification provided by WHO used for the classification of drugs
Purpose: The purpose of the ontology is classify any Medical Product in the ATC system based on the atc code of the main ingredient of the product
Organization(s): Atos Origin
Author(s): Germán Herrero
Justification The ontology is a representation of the ATC classification provided by WHO used for the classification of drugs.

The concept ATC_Classified_Product represents all the pharmaceutical products classified through the ATC code. This conceptualization of the hierarchy allows inference over the ontology model and obtains the therapeutical, anatomical, pharmacological or chemical group of one determinate pharmaceutical product from its ATC code.

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Submitted by: GermanHerreroCarcel
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OntologyURI: (1436)

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