Ontology:Aggregated Invoice Ontology
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Ontology Overview
Name: | Aggregated Invoice Ontology |
Description: | AIO v1.0 (Aggregated Invoice Ontology, http://www.isoco.com/ontologies/neon/AggregatedInvoiceOntology.owl.) is a bundle of four ontologies. This bundle models the eInvocing domain with business processes for three invoice domains. |
Purpose: | This ontology is a bundle of four ontologies. This bundle models the eInvocing domain with business processes for PharmaInnova case study in the NeOn project. |
Organization(s): | iSOCO |
Author(s): | iSOCO |
Justification | AIO (Aggregated Invoice Ontology, http://www.isoco.com/ontologies/neon/AggregatedInvoiceOntology.owl.) is a bundle of all four described ontologies. This bundle models the eInvocing domain with
business processes (IBO) for three invoice domains (UBLIO, EIMO and PIIO). This version contains the core and domains of the following ontologies: - IBO (Invoicing Backbone Ontology), http://www.isoco.com/ontologies/neon/InvoicingBackboneOntology.owl: This core ontology is based on DUL (DOLCE+DnS Ultralite) and IOLight. Additional concepts, describing business processes are added to modularize the domain of the invoices. - PIIO (PharmaInnova Invoice Ontology, http://www.isoco.com/ontologies/neon/PharmaInnovaInvoiceOntology.owl): This domain ontoloy is based on the original XML files describing the PharmaInnova Invoice Model. We realized some changes to complete the ontology; adding more properties and restrictions. We combined moreover the concepts of emitted and received invoices to one single concept, because both describe the same real world object of an invoice. - EIMO (Edifact Invoice Mesasge, http://www.isoco.com/ontologies/neon/EdifactInvoiceMessageOntology.owl): This domain ontology is based on the international standard language for electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport developed under the United Nations. The modularized part is corresponding to the Invoice Message subset of Edifact. - UBLIO (UBL Invoice Ontology, http://www.isoco.com/ontologies/neon/UBLInvoiceOntology.owl): This domain ontology is based on the Universal Business Language, it was developed using the Ontolog UBL ontology . This ontology was part of the old InvoiceOntology. |
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Submitted by: | VMendez |
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OntologyURI: |
http://www.isoco.com/ontologies/neon/AggregatedInvoiceOntology.owl (1252) |
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Long Description
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