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Ontology Overview

Name: GUM-Space
Description: GUM-Space specifies detailed semantics for linguistic spatial expressions supportive of computational processing. It covers language concerned with space, actions in space, and spatial relationships.
Purpose: GUM-Space supports natural language processing for spatial language while simplifying the interface between domain-specific knowledge and general linguistic resources. The general nature and features of the ontology's specification of the semantics of spatial language expressions offers a substantial simplification of the general problem of relating natural spatial language to its conceptualized interpretation.
Organization(s): I1-OntoSpace, SFB/TR8 Spatial Cognition, University of Bremen
Author(s): John Bateman, Joana Hois, Robert Ross, Thora Tenbrink
Justification GUM-Space has been designed on the basis of general findings in language science and empirical research in cognitive linguistics in contexts ranging over formal semantic interpretations, psychological studies, dialogue analysis, and computational modeling. The ontology has thus been designed with respect to results from these fields with respect to the way language structures spatial information. It aims at a thorough and exhaustive description of categories in spatial language. A huge amount of data was analyzed and annotated (instantiated) with the ontology by different users. The evaluation based on inter-annotator agreement can be found at http://www.ontospace.uni-bremen.de/ontology/evaluation/gum-evaluation.html . GUM-Space formalizes only those spatial aspects that are given by the language. Information about lexical or context-dependent aspects are therefore not part of the ontology, as it only meets its intended requirements. As GUM-Space is an extension of GUM, further extensions can be developed and related to GUM or GUM-Space. A full documentation and further information about the ontology is available at: http://www.ontospace.uni-bremen.de/ontology/gum.html .
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Submitted by: JoanaHois
Competency Questions: What is the specification of spatial positions of entities? What parts can spatial motions describe? What is the difference between static and dynamic spatial situations? Where is somebody moving or where is somebody moving something else? Is there a change in motion or re-orientation? What kind of spatial activity is performed? What are the differences of spatial positions, locations, and places? What are the differences of kind of directions, paths, orientations, or starting points, end points, and intermediate points of a route? What are possible modifications of the position of an object, or its motion? How are distances, angles, graduations, durations, or perspectives described? How can they be combined? Are entities spatially related with each other and how?
Scenario: GUM-Space is used as the semantic backbone of dialogue systems for natural language of space.
Known issues:

http://www.ontospace.uni-bremen.de/ontology/stable/GUM-3-space.owl (1260)

Licensing: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
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Long Description

A technical report of the structure of the GUM-Space ontology is available at: http://www.ontospace.uni-bremen.de/ontology/gum.html

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