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Ontology Overview

Name: HCONEarguOnto
Description: a meta-ontology providing a schema for representing argumentation dialogues during the collaborative development of a shared ontology.
Purpose: To allow the representation of argumentation information in the context of HCOME-3O meta-ontology framework that implements HCOME ontology engineering methodology for the collaborative developing of evolving ontologies. It is interlinked with other two meta-ontologies for Administration and Evolution meta-information representation. The argumentation model is an extended version of the IBIS model.
Organization(s): University of the Aegean, Ai-Lab
Author(s): George Vouros, Konstantinos Kotis, Chalkiopoulos Christos
Justification Although other argumentation meta-ontologies have been also proposed (e.g. DILIGENT argumentation model), they are not part of an ontology framework that supports the collaborative development (and evaluation) of evolving ontologies.
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Submitted by: KonstantinosKotis
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http://icsd-ai.aegean.gr/metaOntologies/HCONEarguonto.owl (929)

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