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Pages using the property "ArchitecturalODPSolution"

Showing 4 pages using this property.


Device-Interface-Link Pattern +We observed and summarised an repeating pattern during the ontology construction process for the telecommunication networks.


Quantity Triad Pattern +A structured integration of Quantity Kinds A structured integration of Quantity Kinds, Quantities, and Quantity Values that are themselves integrated with QuantityKindDimensionVectors and the associated SystemsOfQuantityKinds and SystemsOfUnits allowing for general integration into any scientific domain model or pattern. to any scientific domain model or pattern.


SAREF4SYST +[ SAREF4 [ SAREF4SYST] consists both of a core ontology, and guidelines to create ontologies following the SAREF4SYST ontology pattern. The core ontology is a lightweight OWL-DL ontology that defines 3 classes and 9 object properties. defines 3 classes and 9 object properties.


View Inheritance +Introduce the following types of classes: Introduce the following types of classes: * ''Criterion_i'': These classes represent each one of the alternative abstraction criteria of the TargetDomainConcept (''Criterion1'', ''Criterion2'', ''Criterion_i'' in the Figure above). The list of classes may not be exhaustive or pairwise disjoint. * ''Ci_Class_x'': These classes refine each abstraction criteria class (''C1_Class1'', ..., ''C2_Class1'', ..., ''Ci_Class_i'' in the Figure above). The list of classes may not be exhaustive or pairwise disjoint. * ''CiClass_xCjClass_y'', ''Ci_Class_xClass_y'': These classes participate in multiple inheritance relationships combining different refinements from the alternative abstraction criteria classes (''C1Class3_C2Class2'' and ''C1_Class1Class2'' in the Figure above). ''C1_Class1Class2'' in the Figure above).
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