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Pages using the property "HasRelations"

Showing 25 pages using this property.


AldoGangemi about ConceptGroup +CollectionEntity can be specialized for the core part of this pattern. Classification and Specialization are also related. SKOS (potentially a content pattern has also overlaps).
AlessandroAdamou about Inverse n-ary relationship +This proposal extends the N-ary relationship pattern for particular yet not infrequent cases where two of the actors involved play a major role in the n-ary relationship.
AlessandroAdamou about Object with states +IMO it should depend on Situation (as it seems to be specialising it) and Bag (for abstracting over the partitioning of state objects in exactly three subclasses)
AlessandroAdamou about Reactor pattern +It would probably be better off specializing some other content pattern, e.g. Reaction. The "Parameter" pattern could also be specialized.
AlessandroAdamou about Symmetric n-ary relationship +Despite being a special case of usage for the N-ary Relationship pattern, it seems like a bit of an overkill to employ for solving the given problem.
AndreaNuzzolese about Faceted Classification Scheme +Normalization pattern.
AndreaNuzzolese about Reactor pattern +A similar pattern in the ODP repository is the reaction pattern.


BenedictoRodriguezCastro about Object with states 2 +As the author points out, the "Objects wit As the author points out, the "Objects with states" (OWS) pattern is related to the Value Partition (VP) pattern given that the latter is used to model part of the elements in the former. However, I believe that the relation between the two is stronger than the author states. In fact I believe that "Objects with states" could be seen as simply an extension of the VP pattern because the parallelism between the two goes beyond what it is discussed in the submission. For example, consider the graphocal representation of the OWS pattern given in the submission and Figure 1 in the VP pattern introduced at: The following functional equivalences between the elements of both patterns (where functional equivalences refers to elements that perform the same or analogous function) could be identified: - The State class partition (and its 3 individuals) is analogous to the Health_Value class partition (and its 3 individuals). - The has_state property is analogous to the has_health_status property. - The Object class is analogous to the Person class. - The ObjectStateA, -B, -C classes are analogous to the class Healty_Person and to the hypothetical classes Medium_Health_Person, Poor_Health_Person respectively if the last two were to be declared in the VP partition (which in Figure 1 are not). Up to this point the OWS pattern can be seen as an instantiation of the VP pattern for a particular modeling scenario. The novelty of the OWS, where it extends the VP pattern, comes from these additional requirements: - The OWS pattern requires a subclass of Object (ObjectStateA, -B, -C) for every individual of type State, while the VP pattern does not. - The Object class is the disjoint union of its subclasses (which can be seen also as a VP pattern in itself as per Figure 2 in This characteristic is not required by the VP pattern (i.e. Person does not have to be the disjoint union of Healty_Person, etc.). - The additional properties p1, p2, p3, etc. introduced to characterize the implications of an object being in a given state. - The cardinality constraints in all object properties. Conversely, there is a key feature in the VP pattern that in the version of the OWS submitted is not present or discussed. That is: - The class Healthy_Person includes an owl:equivalentClass axiom that allows a standard DL-reasoner to classify all individuals of type Person whose value for has_health_status is good_health as individuals of type Healthy_Person as well. - Analogous inferences would be possible for individuals of type Object. They could be automatically classified as individuals of the corresponding ObjectStateA, -B, -C class, if these classes were to follow an implementation analogous to Healthy_Person (replacing the applicable rdfs:subClassOf axiom for a owl:equivalentClass). I believe the comparative analysis above between the OWS pattern and the VP pattern is relevant and it will improve the clarity and potential reusability of the OWS pattern. potential reusability of the OWS pattern.
BenedictoRodriguezCastro about Template Instance +The relation to the "Literal Reification" pattern ( given by the authors seems appropriate.
BenedictoRodriguezCastro about TransportPattern +See section "Review Summary".
BorisVillazón-Terrazas about Normalization +Subsumption
BorisVillazón-Terrazas about Template Instance +Relation to the "Literal Reification" pattern -
BorisVillazón-Terrazas about TransportPattern +part-of
BorisVillazón-Terrazas about Xsd:sequence embedding +partOf


EnricoDaga about Xsd:sequence embedding +[[Submissions:PartOf]], [[Submissions:Sequence]]


FrancoisScharffe about ConceptGroup +It is only indicated that this pattern is extracted from SNOMED-CT.
FrancoisScharffe about Enlarge Class Definition for Resolving Disjointness due to Subsomption +Define Hybrid Class Resolving Disjointness due to Subsumption


JoseEmilioLabraGayo about LicenseLinkedDataResources +As I said, the pattern is related with the work that is being done in defining provenance. It is also related with n-ary relations.


MariaPoveda about TransportPattern +part-of, Move
MartaSabou about Partition +This should be further investigated.
MartaSabou about SynonymOrEquivalence (SOE) +Not known but could be further investigated.
MathieuDAquin about ConceptGroup +PartOf pattern applied to concepts?
MathieuDAquin about Xsd:sequence embedding +PartOf


OlafNoppens about Inverse n-ary relationship +Unfortunately the n-ary relationship is not available on


RinkeHoekstra about OOPMetrics +None
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