Property:Has type

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Has type is a special property with a built-in meaning: it assigns a type to a property. Special:Types lists the types available in the wiki.

See also datatypes in the SMW Help.

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Pages using the property "Has type"

This property is a special property in this wiki. Showing 25 pages using this property.


AlignmentODPAlsoKnownAs +StringThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPAuthor +StringThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPComponent +URLThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPConsequences +TextThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPDomain +PageThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPExample +URLThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPIllustration +PageThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPKnownUse +TextThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPName +StringThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPOrigin +TextThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPProblem +TextThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPReference +URLThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPRelated +PageThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPScenario +TextThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPSolution +TextThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPTest +TextThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
AlignmentODPWorkflow +TextThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
Answer +TextThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
ArchitecturalODPAlsoKnownAs +StringThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
ArchitecturalODPAuthor +StringThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
ArchitecturalODPComponent +TextThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
ArchitecturalODPConsequence +TextThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
ArchitecturalODPDomain +PageThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
ArchitecturalODPExample +TextThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
ArchitecturalODPKnownUse +TextThis type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki.  +
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