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This is a property of type Text.

This property is a subproperty of HasIntent.

Pages using the property "Lexico-SyntacticODPIntent"

Showing 20 pages using this property.


Adrian Walker +Enable government and other web sites to a Enable government and other web sites to answer an open ended collection of English questions, and also to explain the answers in English. Support government folks and citizens socially networking, Wikipedia-style, to continually expand the range of questions that can be answered. e range of questions that can be answered.


Lexico Syntactic ODP corresponding to Datatype Property ODP +Recurrent expressions in English to state the relation holding between individuals and the characteristics or features that define them.
Lexico Syntactic ODP corresponding to Disjoint Classes ODP +Recurrent expressions in English that state that two are classes different from each other, i.e., they do not share instances or individuals.
Lexico Syntactic ODP corresponding to Equivalence relation between Classes ODP +Recurrent expressions in English that state that there is a relation of equivalence between two classes
Lexico Syntactic ODP corresponding to Object Property ODP +Recurrent expressions in English to state that there is a relation holding between two individuals.
Lexico Syntactic ODP corresponding to Participation ODP +Recurrent expressions in English that state the participation of an object in an event
Lexico Syntactic ODP corresponding to SubclassOf relation ODP +Recurrent expressions in English to state the relation holding between a class and its sublclasses
Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Co-participation ODP +Recurrent expressions in English that state that two objects participate in the same event
Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Defined Classes and SubclassOf relation ODPs +Recurrent expressions in English that define a class by stating the relation between the class and the (super)class it belongs to, and making explicit the feature or property that makes the class different from the superclass.
Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to LocationODP +Recurrent expressions in English that state a simple bynary relation between an object and its location
Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Multiple Inheritance ODP +Recurrent expressions in English that state that one class can be subclass of several classes
Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Object Property or Datatype Property or Simple Part-Whole relation ODPs +Ambiguous (or polisemic) expressions in En Ambiguous (or polisemic) expressions in English that can state three different types of relations: (1) the relation of possession between two individuals, (2) the relation between an object and its features or attributes, and (3) the relation between a whole and its parts (meronymy relation). a whole and its parts (meronymy relation).
Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Object Property and Universal Restriction ODPs +Recurrent expressions in English that state that a certan relation can only hold between invididuals of two specific groups.
Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Object-Role ODP +Recurrent expressions in English to make assertions about objects and the role they play
Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Simple Part-Whole relation "or" Constituency "or" Componency "or" Collection-Entity ODPs +Ambiguous (or polisemic) expressions in En Ambiguous (or polisemic) expressions in English that can state for different types of relations of meronymy: (1) the relation between an object and its parts, (2) the relation between an object and the material it is made of, (3) the relation between an objects and its proper parts, or (4) the relations between a collection and the members that belong it. collection and the members that belong it.
Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Specified Values ODP +Recurrent expressions in English that determine the different features or attributes that can define an individual (usually a choice list).
Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to SubclassOf "or" Simple Part-Whole relation ODPs +Ambiguous (or polisemic) expressions in English that can either state the relation holding between a class and its sublclasses, or a whole and its parts.
Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to SubclassOf relation ODP +Recursive expressions in Spanish that state the relation holding between a class and its sublclasses
Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to SubclassOf relation, Disjoint Classes, and Exhaustive Classes ODPs +Recurrent expressions in English that state a relation between a (super)class and all the distinct (sub)classes that belong to the superclass.
Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to SubclassOf relation, Disjoint Classes, and Exhaustive Classes ODPs 2 +Recurrent expressions in Spanish that state a relation between a (super)class and all the distinct (sub)classes that belong to the superclass.
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