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This is a property of type Text.

Pages using the property "LogicalODPElements"

Showing 10 pages using this property.


Adrian Walker 2 +1. Lightweight natural language processor. 2. Semantic checker that makes helpful suggestions to authors 3. Reasoning engine based on provably correct model theoretic semantics 4. Explanation generator 5. Automatic SQL generator


Context Slices +As shown in the diagram, the pattern uses As shown in the diagram, the pattern uses two predefined classes, cs:ContextualProjection and cs:Context. It uses two predefined properties, cs:projectionOf (ContextualProjection x TOP), and cs:hasContext (cs:ContextualProjection x cs:Context). Properties that hold in a context can extend the property cs:contextualProperty. extend the property cs:contextualProperty.


Define Hybrid Class Resolving Disjointness due to Subsumption +The following elements are manipulated by The following elements are manipulated by the pattern: ID of the sub-class (Sub_Class). ID of the first disjoint class (Disjoint_Class 1). ID of the second disjoint class (Disjoint_Class 2). ID of the most specific common super-class of the disjoint classes involved (Common_Super_Class). int classes involved (Common_Super_Class).


Enlarge Class Definition for Resolving Disjointness due to Subsomption +the following elements are manipulated by the pattern: ID of the sub-class to enlarge (Sub_Class). ID of the first disjoint class (Disjoint_Class 1). ID of the second disjoint class (Disjoint_Class 2).


Summarization of an inverse n-ary relation +Class, Relationship, Attribute and inverseOf


N-Ary Relation Pattern (OWL 2) +OWL 2 local reflexivity and property chains.
NegativePropertyAssertions +Individiual i1 Individual i2 ObjectProperty prop
Normalization +The original classes of the ontology are divided in different axes. The conditions for each subsumption relationship are encoded as restrictions (e.g. [PerformsFunction some Defense]) that will relate the different modules.


Stub Metapattern +Entities and variable entities: * owl:Thin Entities and variable entities: * owl:Thing * xsd:string * variable class: <ClassName> * variable object property: hasAssociated<ClassName> * variable data property: <ClassName>KnownAs Axiom patterns (in Manchester Syntax): * hasAssociated<ClassName> Range <ClassName> * <ClassName>KnownAs Range xsd:string * <ClassName>KnownAs some xsd:string SubClassOf: <ClassName> * <ClassName> SubClassOf: <ClassName>KnownAs some xsd:string : <ClassName>KnownAs some xsd:string
Symmetric n-ary relationship +Class, Relationship, Attribute Axioms: cardinality and equivalentClass
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