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Pages using the property "LogicalODPScenario"

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Adrian Walker 2 +We project that the target region NJ will We project that the target region NJ will need 1000 gallons of product 'y' in October. We then ask what alternative routes and modes-of-transportation (truck, train, boat, pipe) do we have to get that product to the region. Next we ask whether there's a refinery nearby that can produce the base product for finished product 'y'. With all of that, we finally say that we need a delivery plan that is optimized to deliver on time, make a profit, and beat the competition. , make a profit, and beat the competition.


Context Slices +Here is a simple ontology that extends the Here is a simple ontology that extends the logical pattern ontology and represents the statement, "Chris believes Sam is CEO of IBM". <?xml version="1.0"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:cs="" xmlns:owl="" xmlns:daml="" xmlns:dc="" xml:base=""> <owl:Ontology rdf:about=""> <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Example of using context slices</rdfs:label> <owl:versionInfo xml:lang="en">1.0</owl:versionInfo> </owl:Ontology> <owl:Class rdf:ID="Company"/> <owl:Class rdf:ID="Person"/> <owl:Class rdf:ID="BeliefContext"> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/> </owl:Class> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="believedBy"/> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="ceoOf"> <rdfs:subPropertyOf> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="contextualProperty"/> </rdfs:subPropertyOf> </owl:ObjectProperty> <Person rdf:ID="Sam"/> <Person rdf:ID="Chris"/> <Company rdf:ID="IBM"/> <BeliefContext rdf:ID="c1"> <believedBy rdf:resource="#Chris"/> </BeliefContext> <cs:ContextualProjection rdf:about="#IBM$c1"> <cs:hasContext rdf:resource="#c1"/> <cs:projectionOf rdf:resource="#IBM"/> </cs:ContextualProjection> <cs:ContextualProjection rdf:about="#Sam$c1"> <cs:hasContext rdf:resource="#c1"/> <ceoOf rdf:resource="#IBM$c1"/> <cs:projectionOf rdf:resource="#Sam"/> </cs:ContextualProjection> </rdf:RDF> ContextualProjection> </rdf:RDF>


Define Hybrid Class Resolving Disjointness due to Subsumption +Let’s consider the OWL ontology O defined Let’s consider the OWL ontology O defined by the following axioms: {Animal ⊑Fauna-Flora, Plant ⊑Fauna-Flora, Carnivorous-Plant ⊑Plant, Plant ⊑ Not(Animal)} If we apply a change to the ontology defining Carnivorous-Plant class as a sub-class of the class Animal, we cause a disjointness inconsistency. The proposed pattern resolves this kind of inconsistency. ttern resolves this kind of inconsistency.
DisjointnessOfComplement (DOC) +Salt_Lagoon isEquivalentTo not Fresh_Waters see concept Laguna_Salada in Hydrontology


Enlarge Class Definition for Resolving Disjointness due to Subsomption +Let’s consider the OWL ontology O defined Let’s consider the OWL ontology O defined by the following axioms: {Animal ⊑Fauna-Flora, Plant ⊑Fauna-Flora, Carnivorous-Plant ⊑Plant, Plant ⊑ Not(Animal)} If we apply a change to the ontology defining Carnivorous-Plant class as a sub-class of the class Animal, we cause a disjointness inconsistency. The proposed pattern resolves this kind of inconsistency. ttern resolves this kind of inconsistency.


Summarization of an inverse n-ary relation +We might want to represent that a service We might want to represent that a service provider provides a service at a place in a given period of time with a particular price. The model should also represent that a service is offered by a provider. We have also observed that the queries executed by our applications often ask for the relationship between providers and their services and rarely ask for the relationships about the services and where they are provided. [[Image:N_aria_provider_service.JPG]] d. [[Image:N_aria_provider_service.JPG]]


N-Ary Relation Pattern (OWL 2) +See the picture, where the cancer diagnosis relation of the SWBP N-Ary relations patterns is expressed using this design pattern.
NegativePropertyAssertions +Consider a social network containing facts Consider a social network containing facts about people and their relationships. Let ''Adam'' and ''Eve'' be two persons and like a property (''A likes B''). Furthermore we know that ''Adam'' does not like ''Eve'' but we have no dislike relationship. Moreover, our language (such as OWL 1) does not have any NPA axiom constructor. The sample ontology is interpreted with respect to the open-world semantics, i. e. , one can not infer the dislike merely from the lack of a property assertion axiom ''ObjectPropertyAssertion(like Adam Eve)''. Then this fact can be expressed with the following axiom (we will also use the OWL 2 Abstract Syntax here): ''SubClassOf (Adam ComplementOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom( likes ObjectOneOf(Eve))))'' omeValuesFrom( likes ObjectOneOf(Eve))))''
Normalization +[[Image:Normalisation_instance.png|center]]


OnlynessIsLoneliness (OIL) +Transtitional_Waters subClassOf is_nearby Transtitional_Waters subClassOf is_nearby only Sea_Waters; Transitional_Waters subClassOf is_nearby only River_Mouths; River_Mouths disjointWith Sea_Waters see Aguas_de_Transicion concept in hydrontology. Wet_Zone subClassOf Wetlands and are_inundated only Sea_Water and are_inundated only Surface_Water and are_inundated min 1 Thing; see Zona_Humeda concept in hydrontology. see Zona_Humeda concept in hydrontology.


Partition +In an ontology about family relationship w In an ontology about family relationship we defined concepts such as ''Person'', ''Aunt'' and ''ParentOfSon'' which are characterized by a relationships such as ''hasChild''(resp. the inverse relationship ''hasParent''), ''hasSibling'', ' ''married-with'' as well as by the gender of people (''Male'' respectively ''Female''). There are a lot of similar ontologies about family relationships. ''EquivalentClasses(Parent-Of-Son ''ObjectSomeValuesFrom (has-Child Male) )'' ''EquivalentClasses(Parent-Of-Daughter ''ObjectSomeValuesFrom(has-Child Female) )'' ''EquivalentClasses(Aunt ObjectIntersectionOf(Uncle-Or-Aunt Female))'' ''EquivalentClasses(Uncle-Or-Aunt ObjectIntersectionOf(Person ObjectSomeValuesFrom(has-Sibling Parent)))'' The concept ''Gender'' is partitioned in ''Male'' and ''Female''. Applying this pattern results in the following axioms: ''EquivalentClasses(Gender, ObjectUnionOf(Male Female)) '' ''DisjointClasses(Male Female)'' male)) '' ''DisjointClasses(Male Female)''


Stub Metapattern +One wishes to instantiate the Stub Metapat One wishes to instantiate the Stub Metapattern for representing the notion of Place. To do it, the following steps need to be done in all of the axiom patterns. * Replace the variable class <ClassName> with the class Place * Replace the variable object property hasAssociated<ClassName> with hasAssociatedPlace * Replace the variable data property <ClassName>KnownAs with PlaceKnownAs * If desired, the properties may be renamed to something more appropriate with the problem at hand, e.g., rename PlaceKnownAs into placeKnownAs if CamelCase naming convention is used. [[Image:Stub-metapattern-instantiationexample.png]] tub-metapattern-instantiationexample.png]]
Symmetric n-ary relationship +For example, we might want to represent the distance expressed in kilometres between two places.
SynonymOrEquivalence (SOE) +Subterranean_Watercourses isEquivalentTo Subterranean_Rivers see Corriente_Subterranea concept in Hydrontology
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