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Showing 13 pages using this property.
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Advanced Ontology Engineering at FOI - 2011/Ontology Design Patterns + | Solutions should be of the form: ''CQ no. x, y can be solved by specializing the Content ODP named z.'' Plus a motivation why this is the case and some ideas on how to use/specialize the ODP., ''After the exercise is done'' you can check [[Training:Advanced_Ontology_Engineering_at_FOI_-_2011/Ontology_Design_Patterns/Solution_Ideas | this page]] for solution suggestions. |
Advanced Ontology Engineering at FOI - 2011/Ontology Testing + | Solution ideas are available [[Training:Advanced_Ontology_Engineering_at_FOI_-_2011/Ontology_Testing/Testing_Solution | here]], do not open until end of the exercise! |
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ESWC2010 Tutorial 2 - Extreme Design (XD): Pattern-based Ontology Design/Creating CQs (and exercising SPARQL syntax) + | [[Training:ESWC2010_Tutorial_2_-_Extreme_Design_(XD):_Pattern-based_Ontology_Design/CQs | Solution: CQ suggestions]] |
EXtreme Design (XD): Pattern-based Ontology Design/XD Hands-on + | [[Training:EXtreme_Design_(XD):_Pattern-based_Ontology_Design/XD_Hands-on:InstanceFree | Instance-free sentences]], [[Training:EXtreme_Design_(XD):_Pattern-based_Ontology_Design/XD_Hands-on:CQs | Competency Questions]] |
Extreme Design (XD): Pattern-based Ontology Design/Hands-on session K-CAP tutorial + | [[Training:EXtreme_Design_(XD):_Pattern-based_Ontology_Design/Hands-on_session_K-CAP_tutorial:InstanceFree | Instance-free sentences]], [[Training:EXtreme_Design_(XD):_Pattern-based_Ontology_Design/Hands-on_session_K-CAP_tutorial:CQs | Competency Questions]] |
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NeOn 2008 Tutorial on Computational Ontologies/Music Industry Ontology + | [ … [ Download a possible OWL ontology that solves the exercise] === Simple sentences of ''album production'' story === * '''s1''': The “Red Hot Chili Peppers” are: Anthony Kiedis (vocals), Flea (bass, trumpet, keyboards, and vocals), John Frusciante (guitar), and Chad Smith (drums). * '''s2''': During 2005, the band recorded the album “Stadium Arcadium”. * '''s3''': The album contains 28 tracks, and has been released in May 2006. * '''s4''': It includes the track of the song “Hump de Bump”, which was composed in January 2004. * '''s5''': The critic Crian Hiatt defines the album as "the most ambitious work in his twenty-three-year career". === Instance-free sentences of ''album production'' story === * '''instance-free s1''': # Band members are persons # A person has a role # A person can play an instrument * '''instance-free s2''': # Members of a band record an album at a certain time interval * '''instance-free s3''': # A recorded album contains tracks and is released at a certain time interval. * '''instance-free s4''': # Songs are composed at a certain time and recorded as tracks at a certain time. * '''instance-free s5''': # A critique by a Person about an album has a text. === Selected CPs for ''album production'' story === * [ situation] * [ partof] * [ agent role] * [ object role] * [ classification] * [ collection] * [ information realization] * [ time interval] * [ album critique situation] * [ song track] === CP annotation schema === * [ cp annotation schema] === Competency questions, unit tests === The unit tests are here substantiated as SPARQL queries. Syntax has to be adjusted in order to comply to namespaces prefixes and ontology element names used in the actual ontology. * '''s1''' ** '''cq1''': Who are the members of a band? ** '''cq2''': Which band a certain person is a member of? SELECT ?member ?band WHERE { ?member a :Person . ?band a :Band. ?band :hasBandMember ?member} ** '''cq3''': What roles has a certain person? ** '''cq4''': Who has a certain role? SELECT ?person ?role WHERE { ?person a :Person . ?role a :Role. ?person :hasRole ?role} ** '''cq5''': What instruments can play a certain person? ** '''cq6''': Who can play a certain instrument? SELECT ?person ?instrument WHERE { ?person a :Person . ?instrument a :InstrumentType. ?person :canPlayInstrument ?instrument} * '''s2''' ** '''cq7''': When has been recorded a certain album? SELECT ?album ?date WHERE {?time a :TimeInterval. ?album a :RecordedAlbum. ?recording_sit a :RecordingSituation. ?recording_sit :hasRecordingTime ?time. ?time :hasRecordingDate ?date . ?recording_sit :forAlbum ?album} ** '''cq8''': Who is involved in the recording of a certain album? SELECT ?person ?album WHERE {?person a :Person. ?album a :RecordedAlbum. ?recording_sit a :RecordingSituation. ?recording_sit :forAlbum ?album. ?recording_sit :involvesMusician ?person} * '''s3''' ** '''cq9''': When was a certain album released? ** '''cq10''': What albums have been released at a certain time interval? SELECT ?album ?date WHERE {?album a :RecordedAlbum. ?time a :TimeInterval. ?album :hasReleaseTime ?time. ?time :hasReleaseDate ?date} ** '''cq11''': What tracks are included in a certain album? ** '''cq12''': What albums a certain track is contained in? SELECT ?album ?track WHERE {?album a :RecordedAlbum. ?track a :Track. ?album :containsTrack ?track.} ** '''cq13''': What tracks were produced for albums recorded at a certain time interval? SELECT ?track ?album ?date WHERE {?track a :Track. ?album a :RecordedAlbum. ?time a :TimeInterval. ?time :hasRecordingDate ?date. ?recording_sit :hasRecordingTime ?time. ?recording_sit :forAlbum ?album. ?recording_sit :producesTrack ?track} * '''s4''' ** '''cq14''': What tracks are the recording of a certain song? SELECT ?track ?song WHERE {?track a :Track. ?song a :Song. ?song :songInTrack ?track} ** '''cq15''': When was a song composed? SELECT ?song ?date WHERE {?song a :Song. ?time a :TimeInterval. ?time :hasCompositionDate ?date. ?song :hasCompositionTime ?time} ** '''cq16''': When was a track recorded? SELECT ?track ?date WHERE {?track a :Track. ?time a :TimeInterval. ?time :hasRecordingDate ?date. ?recording_sit :producesTrack ?track. ?recording_sit :hasRecordingTime ?time} ** '''cq17''': When was a song recorded as a track? SELECT ?song ?track ?date WHERE {?song a :Song. ?track a :Track. ?time a :TimeInterval. ?time :hasRecordingDate ?date. ?song :isRealizedBy ?track. ?recording_sit :producesTrack ?track. ?recording_sit :hasRecordingTime ?time} * '''s5''' -> ** '''cq17''': Who did express a critique about a certain album? ** '''cq18''': What albums did review a certain critic? SELECT ?critic ?album WHERE {?critic a :Person. ?album a :RecordedAlbum. ?critique_sit :onAlbum ?album. ?critique_sit :byCritic ?critic} ** '''cq19''': What does a certain critic say about a certain album? SELECT ?critic ?album ?text WHERE {?critic a :Person. ?album a :RecordedAlbum. ?critique_sit :onAlbum ?album. ?critique_sit :byCritic ?critic. ?critique_sit :hasCritiqueText ?text} . ?critique_sit :hasCritiqueText ?text} |
NeOn 2008 Tutorial on Computational Ontologies/Toys and Dolls + | [ toys-and-dolls-owl] |
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Ontology Design with the NeOn Toolkit - NeOn tutorial/Mini-project + | [[Training:Ontology Design with the NeOn Toolkit - NeOn tutorial/Mini-project/CQs1 | Proposed CQs group 1]], [[Training:Ontology Design with the NeOn Toolkit - NeOn tutorial/Mini-project/CQs2 | Proposed CQs group 2]], [[Training:Ontology Design with the NeOn Toolkit - NeOn tutorial/Mini-project/CQs3 | Proposed CQs group 3]] |
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PhD Course on Computational Ontologies @ University of Bologna 2011/Creating CQs + | [[Training:PhD_Course_on_Computational_Ontologies_@_University_of_Bologna_2011/Creating_CQs:InstanceFree | Instance-free sentences]], [[Training:PhD_Course_on_Computational_Ontologies_@_University_of_Bologna_2011/Creating_CQs:CQs | Competency Questions]] |
PhD Course on Computational Ontologies @ University of Bologna 2011/Toys and dolls + | [ toys-and-dolls.owl] |
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Semantic Technologies in Practice PhD course in Linköping 2012/XD collaborative OE + | [[Training:Semantic_Technologies_in_Practice_PhD_course_in_Linköping_2012/XD_collaborative_OE/G1 | Group 1]], [[Training:Semantic_Technologies_in_Practice_PhD_course_in_Linköping_2012/XD_collaborative_OE/G2 | Group 2]], [[Training:Semantic_Technologies_in_Practice_PhD_course_in_Linköping_2012/XD_collaborative_OE/G3 | Group 3]], … |
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Test tutorial/Exercise title (test) + | This is the first solution, This is another solution |
Test tutorial/Title of another exercise + | A solution |