Reviews:AldoGangemi about AquaticResourceObservation

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AldoGangemi about AquaticResourceObservation (Revision ID: 3646)

Overall suggestion (score): 2 - need major revision

Review Summary: After evaluation by Aureliano, the axioms in the observation pattern have been distinguished between stable and changing. Stable ones should go with individual patterns involving at least one observation, while changing ones are parts of an observation:
 1. give me the resource observations where the exploitation rate is "Moderate fishing mortality"
 2. give me the resource observations where the state is "fully exploited"
 3. give me the resource observations where the abundance level is "Low abundance"
 4. give me the resource observations where the jurisdictional distribution is "Highly migratory" (!!!stable)
 5. give me the resource observations where the zone is "Tropical" (!!!stable)
 6. give me the resource observations where the vertical distribution (vdist) is "Pelagic" (!!!stable)
 7. climatic zone (!!!stable)
 8. horizontal dist (!!!stable) 
However, changing ones do not go all together, in particular, CQs 1,2 go in the same observation, while 3 is independent.
Reviewer Confidence:
Community Relevance:
Relation to Best Practices:
Relations to Other Patterns:
Overall Understandability:
Clear Problem Description:
Clear Relevance and Consequences:
Clear Figures and Illustrations:
Missing Information:

Posted: 2009/3/17 Last modified: 2009/8/5

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