Reviews:Biological Entities Review ValentinaPresutti
From Odp
Review about Submissions:Biological Entities
ValentinaPresutti about Biological Entities (Revision ID: Entities?oldid=2011 2011)
Overall suggestion (score):
Review Summary: The CP needs to be improved.
- All ontology elements have to be associated with a description.
- The domain and range is the same for the three object properties: biological_entity.
However, there is a local restriction on their usage. It seems to me that domain and range should be personalized for each object properties as the classes you restrict on are disjoint. In other words, you do not want to allow for example the assigment of a value of includesOrder for a certain family. This is now possible as the includesOrder property has domain biological_entity.
- The CP should import the CP annotation schema (
- Which are the competency questions of this CP? And examples?;
Reviewer Confidence:
Community Relevance:
Relation to Best Practices:
Relations to Other Patterns:
Overall Understandability:
Clear Problem Description:
Clear Relevance and Consequences:
Clear Figures and Illustrations:
Missing Information:
Posted: 2008-04-10 Last modified: 2009/8/5