"Propose a Content OP": Submissions:Submissions:AgentRole

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Image File Nameinfo.pngThis field has to be assigned with the name of the file (including its extension) that graphically represents the Content OP. The image file must be uploaded on the wiki before through the Upload file function that can be accessed through the menu on the left. :

Please be sure that the uploaded file is correctly embedded in the page as an image. This is possible only with image file types (no PDF, for example).

Submitted byinfo.pngThis field can be assigned with multiple separated by comma. It is associated with the property submittedBy. This property indicates the ODP user who submitted either a Proposed Content OP, a Content OP, a Modeling Issue, or a Feedback. The value of this property are of type ODPUser. :
Nameinfo.pngThis field is associated with the property Name This property indicates a name for the entity it is associated with. The value of this property is of type String. :
Also Known Asinfo.pngThis field can be assigned with multiple values separated by commas. It is associated with the property This is a property of type String. This property is a subporperty of Property:ContentODPAlsoKnownAs. :
Intentinfo.pngThis field is associated with the property HasIntent This property describes the goal of the Ontology Design Pattern. Its value is of type Text. This property is a subproperty of PatternProblem :
Domainsinfo.pngThis field can be assigned with multiple values separated by commas. This field is associated with the property Domain This property indicates the domain of the Content Ontology Design Pattern. The value of this property is of type Domain. :
Competency Questioninfo.pngThis field can be assigned with multiple values separated by commas. It is associated with the property CoversRequirement This property indicates a competency question expressed in natural language, that is covered by the Content Ontology Design Pattern. The value of this property is of type Text. This property is a subproperty of Property:PatternProblem. :
Solution descriptioninfo.pngThis field is associated with the property This property is of type Text. This property is a subproperty of PatternSolution. :
Reusable OWL Building Blockinfo.pngThis field is associated with the property OWLBuildingBlock This property indicates the URI of a file containing the OWL implementation of the Content Ontology Design Pattern, i.e. the reusable component available for download. This is a property of type URL. This property is a subproperty of PatternReusableComponent. :
Consequencesinfo.pngThis field is associated with the property HasConsequence This property is assigned with a description of the benefits and/or possible trade-offs when using the Content Ontology Design Pattern. The value of this property is of type Text. This property is a subproperty of Property:PatternConsequences. :
Scenariosinfo.pngThis field can be assigned with multiple values separated by commas. It is associated with the property Scenario This property is used for describing examples of instantiation of the Content OP. For example, for the part of Content OP (which represents part-whole relations) a possible scenario is the sentence: "the brain is part of the human body". Scenarios are expressed as natural language sentences. The value of this property is of type Text. This property is a subproperty of PatternProblemExample. :
Known Useinfo.pngThis field can be assigned with multiple values separated by commas. It is associated with the property KnownUse This property indicates existing ontologies where the Content OP is used as a building block. Note that such ontologies are different from the ontologies where the Content OP is extracted from (see the ExtractedFrom property). The value of this property is of type URL. This property is a subproperty of Property:PatternUsage. :
Web Referencesinfo.pngLEGACY: DO NOT USE. Migrate existing references to new format. This field can be assigned with multiple values separated by commas. It is associated with the property WebReference. This property indicates a web resource that has been used as reference source for the main pattern or exemplary ontology being described; e.g., a Wikipedia article, a scientific paper, an authoritative web page. The value of this property is of type URL. :
Other Referencesinfo.pngLEGACY: DO NOT USE. Migrate existing references to new format. This field can be assigned with multiple values separated by commas. It is associated with the property TextReference. This property indicates a non-web resource that can be used as reference source for the Content OP e.g., the ISBN of a book. The value of this property is of type Type:Text. :
Examplesinfo.pngThis field can be assigned with multiple values separated by commas. It is associated with the property CPInstantiationExample. This property indicates the link to an OWL file that implements an example of instantiation of the Content OP. The value of this property is of type URL. :
Extracted Frominfo.pngThis field can be assigned with multiple values separated by commas. It is associated with the property ExtraxtedFrom This property contains the link to the ontology (if any) where the Content OP has been extracted from. Note that if the CP is the result of a reengineering process, the Reengineered From field is to be used. This field can be empty e.g., if the Content OP is a specialization or a composition of other Content OPs. See Has Components and Specialization Of fields. The value of this property is of type URL. This property is a subproperty of PatternOrigin. :
Reengineered Frominfo.pngThis field can be assigned with multiple values separated by commas. It is associated with the property ReengineeredFrom. This property indicates the source model from which the Content OP has been reengineered from e.g., a data model, an xsd schema, an ontology, etc. The value of this property is of type Text. This property is a subproperty of PatternOrigin. :
Has Components info.pngThis field can be assigned with multiple values selected from the available list. If you need it you can add an item to the list by clicking Add new item. The field is associated with the property HasComponent. This property refers to a component of the Content OP, which is a Content OP as well. The value of this property is either of type ContentOP or ContentOPProposal. This property is a subproperty of Property:RelatedPattern. :
Specialization Of info.pngThis field can be assigned with multiple values selected from the available list. If you need it you can add an item to the list by clicking Add new item. The field is associated with the property isSpecializationOf. This property refers to a Content OP that is specialized by this one. The value of this property is either of type ContentOP or ContentOPProposal. This property is a subproperty of RelatedPattern. :
Related CPinfo.pngThis field can be assigned with multiple values separated by commas. It is associated with the property RelatedCP This property indicates other Content OPs (if any) that are typically used together with or alternatively to this one. The value of this property is of type ContentOP. In order to comment why such relations hold use the 'free text' field below. This property is a subproperty of Property:RelatedPattern. :


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