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New review

SubmittedByinfo.pngThis field indicates who is the reviewer. This field is associated with the property submittedBy. This property indicates the ODP user who submitted either a Proposed Content OP, a Content OP, a Modeling Issue, or a Feedback. The value of this property are of type ODPUser. :
Content OP Under Reviewinfo.pngThis field is associated with the property ReviewAboutSubmission. This property indicates the CP proposal that is the subject of the review. Its value is of type ContentOPProposal. : Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Simple Part-Whole relation "or" Constituency "or" Componency "or" Collection-Entity ODPs
Revision ID info.pngPlease check in the Pattern page wich is the revision ID this review is associated to. This field is associated with the property Property:ReviewAboutRevision : 8984
Review Textinfo.pngThis field is associated with the property Description. This property indicates a brief description of the entity it refers to. The value of this property is of type Text. :

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