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Community:CatherineRoussey about Inverse n-ary relationship
CreationDate 10 September 2010  +
HasReviewScore 2 -acceptforcertification  +
HasReviewSummary This pattern express that an n-ary relatio This pattern express that an n-ary relationship (OffersServiceAtPlaceTimeWithPrice) can be summarize in a simple relationship (provideService property) between the two main participants (ServiceProvider and Service). The relationship between the two main participants can be modelized with different details (rought modelization and detailed one). The purpose of this pattern is to make the querying of the knowledge based more easy. But you will have to manage the updating of the knowledge base. The simple relation may exist even if the n-ary relationship do not...and vice versa...So if there is no problem with that point I am OK... Maybe you could explain that the creation of the simple relationship can be derived from the existence of the n-ary relationship. m the existence of the n-ary relationship.
LastModifiedDate 16 September 2010  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 16 September 2010 13:31:40  +
ReviewAboutSubmissionThis property is a special property in this wiki. Summarization of an inverse n-ary relation +
ReviewAboutVersion 10,060  +
SubmittedBy CatherineRoussey +
Categories OpenReview +
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