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Community:Data production
Author AlessandraToninelli +
CompetencyQuestion I would need to describe the following pattern: "A device/sensor/software application produces a piece of data (e.g., a measure for a sensor, a computation for an application). More generally, how to describe the information producer/consumer model?
Description I would need to describe the following pattern: "A device/sensor/software application produces a piece of data (e.g., a measure for a sensor, a computation for an application). More generally, how to describe the information producer/consumer model?
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 3 March 2010 15:56:01  +
PatternDomain Data management +, Smart/pervasive environments +
Scenario Smart home environments, smart object producing data and sharing information in pervasive environments. For example, a sensor producing data about the room's temperature and the sw application in charge of managing this information.
Title Data Production
Categories ModelingIssue +
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