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Odp:Tasks/Overloaded property: Title
Description The infotip for the title field on the [[F The infotip for the title field on the [[Form:Modeling Issue Form|Modeling Issue Form]] is wrong. It says the field will be used for the title of the wiki page. That was true on the create page, but is not true here. The "title" field does not change the page title. It just give a way to have a name that is different from the title. The easiest solution is probably to just re-use the [[Property:Name|name property]] that is also used in the exemplary ontology form. A alternative solution is to have a new property, e.g. IssueTitle with new help text. Data migration will have to happen carefully. This is similar to two other tasks for creating Issue. This is similar to the task: [[Odp:Tasks/RelatedCP property overloaded|RelatedCP property overloaded]] overloaded|RelatedCP property overloaded]]
DevelopmentTaskType Bugfix  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 1 March 2010 12:22:17  +
Priority Medium  +
Status To be done  +
SubmittedBy MichaelUschold +
Title InfoTip text inaccurate for Title field of modeling issues
Categories RootTask +, DevelopmentTask +
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