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Odp:Tasks/Overloaded property: RelatedCP
Description The description for the proprety [[Propert The description for the proprety [[Property:RelatedCP|RelatedCP]] was written when it was only used to relate patterns to patterns. It is also being used to relate Modeling Issues to Patterns. There needs to be a new property called something like: IssueRelatedCP, or the description (used as help text in information typs) for RelatedCP needs to be more general to include both cases. This is similar to the task: [[Odp:Tasks/Change_modeling_issues_domain_property|Change modeling issues domain property]] y|Change modeling issues domain property]]
DevelopmentTaskType Bugfix  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 1 March 2010 10:47:59  +
Priority Medium  +
Status fixed  +
SubmittedBy MichaelUschold +
Title RelatedCP property overloaded
Categories RootTask +, DevelopmentTask +
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