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Odp:Tasks/References for Exemplary Ontologies
Description Currently, there is no good way for users Currently, there is no good way for users to enter references with links and information about them. This is really a big deal, references are very important for this catalogue to be useful. Needs to have a solution that allows entering text as well as a link and to have them in a nice table. May also want a longer text description than a link name. May want a reference type too. link name. May want a reference type too.
DevelopmentTaskType Improvement  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 5 March 2010 20:51:20  +
Priority High  +
Status fixed  +
SubmittedBy MichaelUschold +
Title References for Exemplary Tasks
Categories RootTask +, DevelopmentTask +
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