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Ontology:Aquatic Resource Observation
CoversRequirement For an aquatic resource, what species, in what fishing areas, climatic zones, bottom types, depth zones, geo forms, horizontal and vertical distribution, and for what standardized abundance level, exploitation state and rate, have been observed? for what reference year? At what year the observation has been recorded?
Description An ontology that represents the semantics of an XML fishery database view about "observations" for an aquatic resource, aggregated once a year.
HasDownloadNumber 933  +
Justification This has been built in a pure pattern-base This has been built in a pure pattern-based design, reusing logical, content, and architectural patterns. Due to the nature of the technological problem (data reengineering from XML), and the conceptual problem (statistical abstraction of attributes for dynamical entities), several modelling issues had to be tackled, and have been solved without losing the expressivity of the original data; the solutions actually added the possibility of opening up the data, verifying their integrity and enriching them with implicit or additional inferences. em with implicit or additional inferences.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 4 March 2010 10:12:49  +
Name Aquatic Resource Observation  +
OntologyAuthor Aldo Gangemi  +, Claudio Baldassarre  +, Caterina Caracciolo  +, Michael Erdmann  +
OntologyDomain Fishery +
OntologyOrganization FAO  +, CNR  +
OntologyPurpose To represent the aquatic observation data To represent the aquatic observation data extracted from factsheet application. An aquatic observation refers to a specific year, is about an aquatic resource, and is situated in a given habitat, in which the aquatic species from the resource live. Observations can have a reporting year that is different from the observation time. at is different from the observation time.
OntologyURI  +
SubmittedBy AldoGangemi +
Categories Ontology +
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