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Ontology:CaRePa |
Description | Context aware requirement patterns |
HasDownloadNumber | 870 + |
Justification | Without patterns, recurring problem can not be identified for solvation. |
KnownIssues | Health care system, driver assisted system |
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. | 28 January 2016 04:54:02 + |
Name | CaRePa + |
OntologyAuthor | Kumar K +, Saravanaguru Ra K + |
OntologyDomain | RequirementEngineering + |
OntologyOrganization | VIT + |
OntologyPurpose | To Serve the requirement elicitation of the context aware system |
OntologyURI | + |
RecommendedBy | DhanushInfo + |
SubmittedBy | KannanKumar + |
Categories | Ontology + |
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