The Counter Ontology specification provides basic concepts and properties for describing a general counter concept and some important sub counters, e.g. an event counter, on/ for the Semantic Web.
1,440 +
The Counter Ontology is a generalisation of the Playcount Ontology from Yves Raimond.
The Counter Ontology includes a general mu … The Counter Ontology includes a general multiple purpose counter concept. This concept could be uses to associate any concept to a co:Counter instance(s) with the property co:counter or a specific sub property of it. The second property of co:Counter is co:count, which is a simple xsd:integer based datatype property. That means you could use this concept for things like for example play counter, skip counter or website hit counter.
Furthermore, this ontology includes already a predefined property to associate event specific ( event:Event) counter to its related events (co:event_counter,), e.g. a co:ScrobbleEvent to scrobble something. This enables the opportunity to trace back all related events, which are responsible for a specific count. Of course, this is also possible with all other concepts ;) s also possible with all other concepts ;)
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki.
30 March 2011 20:25:55 +
Counter Ontology +
Yves Raimond +,
Mats Skillingstad +,
Bob Ferris +
Knowledge engineering +
To describe counters of all kinds and events that are related to a specific counter.
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BobFerris +
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Ontology +