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CoversRequirement Which retrievable Web Resources describes Which retrievable Web Resources describes an offer * {to sell; to provide the service of; to repair; to maintain; to lease out; to dispose} * {a concrete individual; some unknown individuals} of * a {given good; given service; spare part for a given good; consumables and supplies for a given good} described by a {type of good; specific make and model} * that meet certain requirements on {properties; intervals for properties} * for which the offering party accepts a given method of payment and * provides a certain method of delivery * to {consumers; retailers} * in a given {country; region}? retailers} * in a given {country; region}?
Description GoodRelations is a standardized vocabulary for product, price, and company data that can be (1) embedded into existing static and dynamic Web pages and (2) processed by other computers. GoodRelations is used to describe what your business is offering
HasDownloadNumber 5,976  +
Justification Many reasons: # Excellent documentation # Excellent use of competency questions throughout # Ontology divided up into conceptual modules # Handle a variety of challenging representation issues # Is already having significant commercial impact
LongDescription The GoodRelations ontology provides a conc The GoodRelations ontology provides a conceptual model for a consolidated view on commerce data on the Web, e.g., companies, store locations, offers, product descriptions, pricing, payment, shipment, and warranty information. Since its official release in August 2008, it has gained substantial popularity and is supported by e.g. Yahoo and BestBuy. At the time of writing, there are more than 1,5 million non-toy product model descriptions, 450k individual offers with price information, and 50 k company profiles available. In addition, the popular RDF Book Mashup1 now exposes Amazon and eBay offers of new and used copies for more than 100k book titles as GoodRelations data. In an extremely short space of time (approx a year) this ontology has already seen significant commercial use. There is a good possibility that this will revolutionize E-commerce and become the killer application for the semantic web. e killer application for the semantic web.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 3 March 2010 20:57:10  +
Name GoodRelations  +
OntologyAuthor Martin Hepp  +
OntologyLicensing Creative Commons Attribution 3.0  +
OntologyOrganization Universität der Bundeswehr München  +
OntologyPurpose To facilitate creation of formal descriptions of product offerings for electronic commerce.
OntologyURI  +
Scenario Vendor puts bundle of specific products for sale; specifies exactly where they will ship to.
SubmittedBy MichaelUschold +
Categories Ontology +
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References/Additional Information and Resources +, References/Best Buy +, References/GR Home Page +, References/GoodRelations Primer and User's Guide +, References/How To Get Ranked Without Resorting to Outdated SEO Tactics +, References/Online Browsing and Documentation of GoodRelations +, References/Ontology overview - UML Class Diagram + ReferenceSubject


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