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Description a meta-ontology providing a schema for representing administrative entities/properties such as Contributor, Class, Ontology, version, number of classes, number of properties, keyword, category
HasDownloadNumber 1,104  +
Justification Although other Administrative meta-ontologies have been also proposed, they are not part of an ontology framework that supports the collaborative development (and evaluation) of evolving ontologies.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 5 March 2010 21:59:43  +
Name HCONEadminOnto  +
OntologyAuthor George Vouros  +, KonstantinosKotis  +, Chalkiopoulos Christos  +
OntologyDomain Ontology +
OntologyOrganization University of the Aegean  +, Ai-Lab  +
OntologyPurpose To allow the representation of administrat To allow the representation of administrative information in the context of HCOME-3O meta-ontology framework that implements HCOME ontology engineering methodology for the collaborative developing of evolving ontologies. It is interlinked with other two meta-ontologies for Argumentation and Evolution meta-information representation. Evolution meta-information representation.
OntologyURI  +
SubmittedBy KonstantinosKotis +
Categories Ontology +
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References/ISWC-ESOE-2007 + ReferenceSubject


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