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Description a meta-ontology providing a schema for representing argumentation dialogues during the collaborative development of a shared ontology.
HasDownloadNumber 929  +
Justification Although other argumentation meta-ontologies have been also proposed (e.g. DILIGENT argumentation model), they are not part of an ontology framework that supports the collaborative development (and evaluation) of evolving ontologies.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 6 March 2010 01:45:01  +
Name HCONEarguOnto  +
OntologyAuthor George Vouros  +, Konstantinos Kotis  +, Chalkiopoulos Christos  +
OntologyOrganization University of the Aegean  +, Ai-Lab  +
OntologyPurpose To allow the representation of argumentati To allow the representation of argumentation information in the context of HCOME-3O meta-ontology framework that implements HCOME ontology engineering methodology for the collaborative developing of evolving ontologies. It is interlinked with other two meta-ontologies for Administration and Evolution meta-information representation. The argumentation model is an extended version of the IBIS model. is an extended version of the IBIS model.
OntologyURI  +
SubmittedBy KonstantinosKotis +
Categories Ontology +
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