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Ontology:Info Service Ontology
Description The Information Service Ontology Specification provides basic concepts and properties for describing different information services, e.g. Wikipedia, MusicBrainz, Freebase or Discogs, on/ for the Semantic Web.
HasDownloadNumber 1,566  +
Justification There is a need to describe information services of all kind, not only semantic web information services.
LongDescription The Info Service Ontology consists of a ba The Info Service Ontology consists of a basic is:InfoService concept (which could maybe related to prv:DataProvidingService, bibo:Collection, sioc:Space or void:Dataset instances) and some additional ones for describing such an information service (currently: is:InfoServiceQuality, is:InfoServiceType and is:InfoServiceContributorType – the specific individuals are currently only proof-of-concept examples). The main hook re. specific websites from an information service is is:info_service, which associates an is:InfoService instance to e.g. a owl:Thing (or e.g. sub class of owl:Thing, e.g. foaf:Document) instance (e.g. a website link). Furthermore, I defined some is:InfoService individuals, especially isi:musicbrainz (see the graphic above and code below) as proof-of-concept example. Therefore, I used also some category definitions from DBpedia (important is also the property is:main_subject for associating a main subject of an Information Service). a main subject of an Information Service).
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 30 March 2011 20:27:28  +
Name Info Service Ontology  +
OntologyAuthor Bob Ferris  +
OntologyDomain Knowledge engineering +
OntologyPurpose For describing, rating and categorizing information services of all kind.
OntologyURI  +
SubmittedBy BobFerris +
Categories Ontology +
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References/Info Service Ontology announcement + ReferenceSubject


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