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Reviews:AlessandroAdamou about Object with states
CreationDate 7 August 2013  +
HasClearFigures Figure is clear, but if possible please us Figure is clear, but if possible please use arrows with no fill for subclasses. As it is meant to represent a usage schema, it is okay to retain the tripartition of Object and State in the figure. Maybe it could be made as State1, State2, ... StateN and the like as State1, State2, ... StateN and the like
HasClearProblemDescription Competency questions are not formulated according to standards, but the intent and solution description are reasonably clear.
HasClearRelevanceDescription The requirement of modeling states as individuals is a significant example of conformance to best practices. The current ODP has a strict limitation to tripartite states - if this is not relaxed, it should be mentioned in the consequences.
HasMissingInformation The link to the example usage in Known Usage should appear in the field "Examples (OWL files)". Other than that, missing information is a consequence of the pattern not having been related to other ODPs.
HasProblems * the pattern has no dependencies, whereas * the pattern has no dependencies, whereas it seems to have strong ties with catalogued patterns such as Situation (of which it seems to be a suitable extension) and Parameter; * the partitioning of states, objects with states, and their resulting properties, into exactly three items is hardwired in the ontology itself. As it is used to exemplify its usage, it should not appear in the core ontology. it should not appear in the core ontology.
HasRelations IMO it should depend on Situation (as it seems to be specialising it) and Bag (for abstracting over the partitioning of state objects in exactly three subclasses)
HasRelevance The ODP addresses a horizontal problem in ontology modeling, although by ruling out or underspecifying spatial and temporal contexts of states, it restricts more than it should.
HasReusability Fair - highly reusable if we assume an ontology to model shapshot data, less reusable for modeling historical data.
HasReviewScore 1 -needsminorrevision  +
HasReviewSummary The pattern provides a reasonable solution to one of the core issues in ontology modeling, but it should not be standalone and its ontology should be generalised.
HasReviewerConfidence ODP: expert Ontology engineering: high State machines : fair
HasUnderstandability The ontology and its members are annotated appropriately.
IsBestPractice Can be effectively applied to state machine modeling - for comparison see Dolog's FSM ontology, doc at
LastModifiedDate 7 August 2013  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 7 August 2013 21:01:59  +
ReviewAboutSubmissionThis property is a special property in this wiki. Object with states +
ReviewAboutVersion 11,650  +
SubmittedBy AlessandroAdamou +
Categories QCReview +
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Object with states + TakesInAccountReview


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