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Reviews:HenrikEriksson about Partition
CreationDate 9 September 2009  +
HasClearFigures Currently, no figures.
HasClearProblemDescription Currently, none at all.
HasClearRelevanceDescription No.
HasMissingInformation Problem description, examples, figures.
HasProblems The pattern documentation needs improvements. Examples should be added.
HasRelevance Relevant, but somewhat trivial.
HasReusability The pattern is generic.
HasReviewScore 0 -needsmajorrevision  +
HasReviewSummary This is definitely a pattern that should be every ontology engineer's toolbox. However, the current description is poor. The wording in the motivation and aim should be improved and examples added.
HasReviewerConfidence High
HasUnderstandability Fundamentally, the pattern is easy to understand. However, the current description is unclear which makes the pattern more difficult to understand.
IsBestPractice This pattern is quite universal and commonly used (although you may not think of it).
LastModifiedDate 8 September 2009  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 September 2009 22:40:54  +
ReviewAboutSubmissionThis property is a special property in this wiki. Partition +
ReviewAboutVersion 5,748  +
SubmittedBy HenrikEriksson +
Categories QCReview +
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