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Reviews:MariaPoveda about OOPMetrics
CreationDate 21 August 2012  +
HasClearFigures The figure could be improved by including the datatype properties.
HasClearProblemDescription Good
HasClearRelevanceDescription Good
HasProblems Main comments: .- The domain of the relat Main comments: .- The domain of the relationship "hasMetric" is set as the intersection of serveral classes, namely OOPClass, OOPProject, OOPMethod and OOPPackage. I think it should be defined as the union of theses classes so that if a instance holds this property it is not classified as instance of all these types, that might be disjoint, when running a reasoner over the ontology. .- The CPAnnotation schema is not imported in the OWL building block as stated in the call. It would be great if the pattern were annotated using such a schema. .- There are no labels nor comments in the OWL code. Minor comments: .- The already existing domain "software" should be added to the domains field. .- The figure could be improved by including the datatype properties. oved by including the datatype properties.
HasRelevance Good
HasReusability Good
HasReviewScore 0 -needsmajorrevision  +
HasReviewSummary The patterns describes numerical values (float and integer) for onject-oriented software metrics. The pattern is reusable and general enough. There are some revisions needed.
HasReviewerConfidence High
HasUnderstandability Even though the understandability is good, it would be advisable to explain in more detail the solution description.
LastModifiedDate 21 August 2012  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 21 August 2012 07:04:07  +
ReviewAboutSubmissionThis property is a special property in this wiki. OOPMetrics +
ReviewAboutVersion 11,161  +
SubmittedBy MariaPoveda +
Categories QCReview +
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OOPMetrics + TakesInAccountReview


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