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Reviews:OlafNoppens about Inverse n-ary relationship
CreationDate 16 September 2010  +
HasMissingInformation Example in OWL
HasProblems There are two problems: first, it's the name as mentioned above, second I would recommend to use the same notation as in the W3C n-ary relationship which is cited. This would make the difference and the understanding clearer.
HasRelations Unfortunately the n-ary relationship is not available on
HasRelevance good
HasReviewScore 1 -needsminorrevision  +
HasReviewSummary This pattern is an extension of the W3C n- This pattern is an extension of the W3C n-ary relationship in that a n-ary realtionship can be summarized in a simple relationship between two individuals. I can image that querying a knowledge base is easier - however, I encourage the author to clarify and explain how this aim is achieved (give an example, etc.). However, there is one problem with the pattern and that's the name: the pattern does not describe an inverse n-ary relationship but a special kind of it where only two distinguished individuals are considered with "additional, and probably optional, argument". itional, and probably optional, argument".
HasReviewerConfidence high
IsBestPractice good
LastModifiedDate 16 September 2010  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 16 September 2010 13:22:12  +
ReviewAboutSubmissionThis property is a special property in this wiki. Summarization of an inverse n-ary relation +
ReviewAboutVersion 10,101  +
SubmittedBy OlafNoppens +
Categories QCReview +
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