The pattern states how to express reificat … The pattern states how to express reification of literal values in OWL by introducing an intermediate individual (type of Literal) which is connected (via hasLiteralValue) to a blank literal value, or via hasSameLiteralValue to another intermediate individual.
I have two minor remarks (which depends on each other):
(1) Literal is a subclass of (= 1 hasLiteralValue). I was wondering whether one could define literal equivalent to (= 1 hasLiteralValue or = 1 hasSameLiteralValue). The idea is that a literal has always either a literal value directly or indirectly (via hasSameLiteralValue)
(2)SWRL rules are used (in that sense it would also be valid if Literal is defined equivalent to = 1 hasLiteralValue because the SWRL rules guarantee this behaviour). I suggest to add a remark to the description and also to the diagram. Because the application of the pattern assumes SWRL + OWL. ication of the pattern assumes SWRL + OWL.