8 September 2009 +
Clear, and a bit trivial.
As mentioned, the problem is oversimplified. The description of the simple problem, i.e. mechanically transforming a table into an ontology, is clear.
Not much.
1) Although the semantics of the hierarchi … 1) Although the semantics of the hierarchical relation 'may vary depending of the context', there are no alternative modelling options offered; the subclass construct is uniformly used, which has the subset semantics; this may lead to discrepancies if the original resource is e.g. partonomy-oriented. This should at least be commented on, as a limitation of the pattern usage.
2) While the problem description assumes that the original source is structured as tree, the process description has a special provision for non-tree structures. This is confusing.
3) When a new 'ad hoc' class is created, it is not clear if it is to be identified with a standard class such as owl:Thing, or given the URI through some naming convention - I would expect such a convention as natural part of the pattern.
Text-level issues:
- what is caparentID?
- the last diagram (at example level) is trivial and could safely be omitted el) is trivial and could safely be omitted
Obviously, the same non-ontological resources could be transformed to a different ontological form (such as instance-level), presumably using an alternative reengineering pattern.
This kind of patterns is naturally important, as reengineering of non-ontological resources is an ubiquitous problem.
The pattern is specific to a particular category of non-ontological resources. However, its abstract part could be reused for some other categories.
0 -needsmajorrevision +
A reengineering pattern for a predefined t … A reengineering pattern for a predefined type of tabular structure. Semantic aspects are not taken into account. There are some inconsistencies in the description.
However, it is a good starting point for discussion at WOP. I assume it should be explained in the context of reengineering patterns in general. text of reengineering patterns in general.
The problem is relatively transparent and the domain is generic, so I have high confidence in my assessment.
Understandable, even a bit too verbose in places.
The problem is simplified such that the current pattern looks like the only straightforward solution. In reality a more complex solution would be needed.
8 September 2009 +
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8 September 2009 19:44:19 +
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Classification scheme - adjacency list model - to Taxonomy +
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