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Reviews:VojtechSvatek about EventProcessing
CreationDate 7 August 2013  +
HasClearFigures The figure is OK, except two missing classes. There is an illustrative OWL fragment available. The notation is standard.
HasClearProblemDescription Although the modeling problem is clear, it is not explicitly stated how the pattern would contribute to proper inferencing in an application.
HasClearRelevanceDescription The pattern is relatively simple, and its use doesn't seem to have dramatic consequences.
HasMissingInformation Two missing classes in the diagram.
HasProblems I don't see any major problems. Only some details of the pattern should be clarified to ensure its proper use. The diagram also lacks classes SensorOutput and EventObjectPart, which are listed in the glossary.
HasRelations There are already some patterns in the catalog that deal with temporality, but not really with capturing information about events.
HasRelevance The pattern looks quite relevant for the sensor community.
HasReusability The pattern is highly generic and thus well-reusable.
HasReviewScore 1 -needsminorrevision  +
HasReviewSummary Pattern description conforming to the usual standards of the portal, with only minor details missing.
HasReviewerConfidence I am not expert in sensors, and haven't been even extensively involved in event modeling. My familiarity with ODPs in general is however solid.
HasUnderstandability The pattern is relatively clear. Obviously, its presentation at such small space raises some questions. (I listed them rather in the paper review.)
IsBestPractice The pattern builds on existing upper-level ontologies, adding a lightweight extra layer. It could thus become a part of best practices.
LastModifiedDate 7 August 2013  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 7 August 2013 13:51:25  +
ReviewAboutSubmissionThis property is a special property in this wiki. EventProcessing +
ReviewAboutVersion 11,646  +
SubmittedBy VojtechSvatek +
Categories QCReview +
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EventProcessing + TakesInAccountReview


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