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ContentODPDescription The Afforndance ODP relies on the descriptions and situations ODP, and is combined with a frame-based representation scheme. This allows to extend the notion of affordance not only to physical objects, but also complex situations afford actions.
CoversRequirement Which is the strength of an Affordance? Which tasks are afforded in a certain situation? How should an agent behave in a certain situation? Which are the parameters involved in certain task?
ExtractedFrom  +
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Affordance.png +
HasElement Affordance/hasParameter +, Affordance/hasTask +, Affordance/holds +, Affordance/isHeldBy +, Affordance/affordanceStrength +, Affordance/Affordance +, Affordance/Frame +, Affordance/Situation +, Affordance/TaskParameter +
HasIntent To represent the model for supporting the action selection mechanism.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 17 July 2016 14:22:34  +
Name Affordance  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
SubmittedBy AndreaNuzzolese +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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Affordance/Affordance +, Affordance/Frame +, Affordance/Situation +, Affordance/TaskParameter +, Affordance/affordanceStrength +, Affordance/hasParameter +, Affordance/hasTask +, Affordance/holds +, Affordance/isHeldBy + ElementOf


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