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ContentODPDescription --
CoversRequirement What species are present in this aquatic resource/stock? In what water area this aquatic resource/stock lives in?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Aquaticresource.jpg +
HasConsequence Relations between aquatic resources and ei Relations between aquatic resources and either aquatic species or water areas can be represented. In order to infer what species typically live in what water areas however, an application needs to add a SWRL rule, or a SPARQL query that unifies the hasSpecies and hasWaterArea relations. the hasSpecies and hasWaterArea relations.
HasElement AquaticResources/AquaticSpecies +, AquaticResources/AquaticResource +, AquaticResources/WaterArea +, AquaticResources/hasSpecies +, AquaticResources/hasWaterArea +, AquaticResources/isSpeciesPresentIn +, AquaticResources/isWaterAreaOf +
HasIntent To represent aquatic resources or stocks as composed of aquatic organisms from one or more species, and living in a water area.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 11:07:26  +
Name AquaticResources  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Fishery +
Scenario give me the Species for water area 24; give me the Water areas for species Gadus morhua.
SubmittedBy AldoGangemi +
Categories ProposedContentOP +, WaitingForReview +, Waiting for review +
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AquaticResources/AquaticResource +, AquaticResources/AquaticSpecies +, AquaticResources/WaterArea +, AquaticResources/hasSpecies +, AquaticResources/hasWaterArea +, AquaticResources/isSpeciesPresentIn +, AquaticResources/isWaterAreaOf + ElementOf


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