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Submissions:Biological Entities
ContentODPAlsoKnownAs biological species  +
ContentODPDescription stub
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Biologicalentities.jpg +
HasConsequence Classification of biological entities for the fishery domain.
HasElement Biological Entities/biological entity +, Biological Entities/family +, Biological Entities/group +, Biological Entities/species +, Biological Entities/order +, Biological Entities/includesOrder +, Biological Entities/includesFamily +, Biological Entities/includesSpecies +, Biological Entities/hasCode +, Biological Entities/hasID +, Biological Entities/hasMeta +, Biological Entities/hasName +, Biological Entities/hasNameFull +, Biological Entities/hasNameScientific +
HasIntent To represent biological species and relations between them.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 9 March 2010 12:41:48  +
Name biological entities  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Biology +, Fishery +
Scenario TestScenario1, TestScenario2
SubmittedBy ValentinaPresutti +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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Biological Entities/family +, Biological Entities/group +, Biological Entities/includesFamily +, Biological Entities/includesOrder +, Biological Entities/includesSpecies +, Biological Entities/order +, Biological Entities/species + ElementOf
Metonymy-species-commodity + HasComponent
References/NeOn-FAO-Case-study +, References/NeOn-FAO-Ontology-driven-Stock-Depletion-Alert-System + ReferenceSubject
Metonymy-species-commodity + RelatedCP


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