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CPInstantiationExample A complaint refers to the narrated facts of an agent  +, grounded with a motive and a request  +, through a specific medium (used to generate the complaint document)  +, where evidence may support the facts.  +
ContentODPAlsoKnownAs Complaint Ontology Pattern  +
ContentODPDescription The solution is implemented as an OWL file []
CoversRequirement What is the claim of the complainant?, Which facts happened in 'this' date or in 'this' place?, Who is involved in this complaint?, Who is the complaint recipient?, What motivates the complaint?, Which facts describe the complaint?, What evidences are used to prove the narrated fact?, Which medium was used to express the complaint?
ExtractedFrom Ontological resources and non ontological resources  +
HasConsequence Heterogeneous models for complaints can be aligned to this pattern, which then acts as a semantic facade to different complaint management applications (such as complaint handling process, customer complaint management, customer relation management)
HasElement COP/basedOn +, COP/expressedIn +, COP/hasComplaintMotivation +, COP/justifiedBy +, COP/madeBy +, COP/supportedBy +, COP/hasSpace +, COP/hasStampTime +, COP/hasTimeOccurrence +, COP/Agent +, COP/Complainant +, COP/Complaint +, COP/Complaint Recipient +, COP/Evidence +, COP/Fact +, COP/Medium +, COP/Motivation +, COP/Request +, COP/ThirdParty +, COP/partOf +, COP/addressedTo +
HasIntent To represent core constituents found commonly in complaints across domains.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 29 June 2018 13:21:54  +
Name Complaint Ontology Pattern - COP  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain General +, Law +
Scenario A complaint refers to the narrated facts of an agent, grounded with a motive and a request, through a specific medium (used to generate the complaint document), where evidence may support the facts
SubmittedBy CristianaSantos +, VictorRodriguezDoncel +, Marcos da Silveira +, Cedric Prusky +, AldoGangemi +, Pompeu Casanovas +, Leon Van der Torre +
SubmittedToEvent WOP 2016 at ISWC +
Categories ProposedContentOP +, Waiting for review +, Submitted to event +
redirect page Complaint Design Pattern +
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COP/Agent +, COP/Complainant +, COP/Complaint +, COP/Complaint Recipient +, COP/Evidence +, COP/Fact +, COP/Medium +, COP/Motivation +, COP/Request +, COP/ThirdParty +, COP/basedOn +, COP/expressedIn +, COP/hasComplaintMotivation +, COP/hasRequest +, COP/hasRole +, COP/hasSpace +, COP/hasStampTime +, COP/hasTimeOccurrence +, COP/justifiedBy +, COP/madeBy +, ElementOf


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