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ContentODPDescription This pattern specializes the observation p This pattern specializes the observation pattern in order to represent situations of aquatic species catching that contain parameters, time, place, etc. A peculiar difference is the use of two temporal indexes: reference and reporting times. The first is the time, at which the situation represented occurred; the second is the time, at which the observation has been reported. t which the observation has been reported.
CoversRequirement What species, and what amount of organisms, have been caught from what areas, countries, at what date and fishing year?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy CatchRecord.png +
HasComponent SpeciesFactsheets +, WaterAreaFactsheets +
HasConsequence We are able to query time-series data for catches of species in a certain fishing area, by vessels of some country, with anounts and measurement units.
HasElement CatchRecord/countryOfRecord +, CatchRecord/fishingAreaOfRecord +, CatchRecord/forCountry +, CatchRecord/fromFishingArea +, CatchRecord/hasCatchRecord +, CatchRecord/isCatchRecordFor +, CatchRecord/unitUsedInRecord +, CatchRecord/withUnit +, CatchRecord/amount +, CatchRecord/referenceYear +, CatchRecord/reportingYear +, CatchRecord/CatchRecord +, CatchRecord/Country +, CatchRecord/UnitOfMeasure +
HasIntent To represent the catch records from time series FIGIS application, which contain temporally-indexed aggregated information about aquatic species cacthing.
IsSpecializationOf Observation +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 12:27:53  +
Name CatchRecord  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Fishery +
SubmittedBy AldoGangemi +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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CatchRecord/CatchRecord +, CatchRecord/Country +, CatchRecord/UnitOfMeasure +, CatchRecord/amount +, CatchRecord/countryOfRecord +, CatchRecord/fishingAreaOfRecord +, CatchRecord/forCountry +, CatchRecord/fromFishingArea +, CatchRecord/hasCatchRecord +, CatchRecord/isCatchRecordFor +, CatchRecord/referenceYear +, CatchRecord/reportingYear +, CatchRecord/unitUsedInRecord +, CatchRecord/withUnit + ElementOf
AquaticResourceObservation + RelatedCP


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