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Submissions:Class by attribute value
AlignmentODPAuthor Francois Scharffe  +
AlignmentODPName Class by attribute value  +
AlignmentODPProblem A class in one ontology is equivalent to the subclass of an ontology in a second ontology of exactly those instances which have a specified property value.
AlignmentODPRelated Class equivalence +, Class subsumption +
AlignmentODPSolution This pattern establishes a mapping between This pattern establishes a mapping between a class/property/property-value combination in one ontology and a class in another. This pattern is agnostic as to whether the mapping is unidirectional or bidirectional direction of the mapping can be achieved through combination of the pattern with the equivalent classes or class subsumption correspondence patterns. class subsumption correspondence patterns.
AlignmentODPWorkflow The scope of a class in one ontology is narrower than the scope of a class in the other ontology. Both scopes can be matched by restricting one class to those instances having a particular value for a certain property.
ArchitecturalODPExample Example in EDOAL: <Cell> <enti Example in EDOAL: <Cell> <entity1> <Class> <and> <Class rdf:about="vin:Vin"> </and> <and> <AttributeValueCondition> <onAttribute> <Property rdf:about="vin:terroir"/> </onAttribute> <comparator>xsd:Equal</comparator> <value>geo:Bordelais</value> </AttributeValueCondition> </and> </Class> </entity1> <entity2> <Class rdf:about="wine:BordeauxWine"/> </entity2> </Cell> ne"/> </entity2> </Cell>
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Class-by-attribute-value.png +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 5 March 2010 19:58:21  +
SubmittedBy FrancoisScharffe +
Categories ProposedAlignmentOP +, AlignmentOP +
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