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Submissions:Class subsumption |
AlignmentODPAuthor | FrancoisScharffe + |
AlignmentODPDomain | General + |
AlignmentODPName | Class subsumption + |
AlignmentODPProblem | A class in one ontology is a subclass of a class in a second ontology but there is no functional description of the exact mapping. There is no way of expressing additional properties of the subclass. |
AlignmentODPRelated | Class equivalence + |
AlignmentODPSolution | This pattern establishes a unidirectional correspondence from a more specific class in one ontology to a broader class in another ontology. The relation is broadened to allow class expressions in addition to merely class names. |
ArchitecturalODPExample | Example solution in the ontology alignment … Example solution in the ontology alignment language: <Cell> <entity1><Class rdf:about="O1:Mammal"/></entity1> <entity2><Class rdf:about="O2:Vertebrate"/></entity2> <relation>subsumedBy</relation> </Cell> subsumedBy</relation> </Cell> |
GraphicallyRepresentedBy | Class-subsumption.png + |
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. | 5 March 2010 19:59:55 + |
SubmittedBy | FrancoisScharffe + |
Categories | ProposedAlignmentOP +, AlignmentOP + |
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Class Union +, Class by attribute occurence +, Class by attribute value +, Class intersection + | AlignmentODPRelated |