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ContentODPDescription --
CoversRequirement What resource has what climatic zone?
HasConsequence This pattern only allows to query what cli This pattern only allows to query what climatic zones are typical of an aquatic resource. Whereas such values can be subject to observation, another pattern based on the generic 'observation' pattern should be used. The climatic zone is intended to have a fixed set of values (to be defined as nominals) but this is not explicit in the pattern. ) but this is not explicit in the pattern.
HasElement ClimaticZone/ClimaticZone +, ClimaticZone/AquaticResource +, ClimaticZone/AquaticResourceObservation +, ClimaticZone/hasResource +, ClimaticZone/hasClimaticZone +, ClimaticZone/isClimaticZoneOf +, ClimaticZone/isResourceOf +, ClimaticZone/hasReferenceYear +
HasIntent The intent of the pattern is to be able to represent climatic zones for aquatic resources.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 4 March 2010 14:14:52  +
Name ClimaticZone  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Fishery +
Scenario Give me the resource observations where the zone is 'Tropical'
SubmittedBy AldoGangemi +, EvaBlomqvist +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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ClimaticZone/AquaticResource +, ClimaticZone/AquaticResourceObservation +, ClimaticZone/ClimaticZone +, ClimaticZone/hasClimaticZone +, ClimaticZone/hasReferenceYear +, ClimaticZone/hasResource +, ClimaticZone/isClimaticZoneOf +, ClimaticZone/isResourceOf + ElementOf


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